All the answers are for ver.1.7
I try to find the paths,files but all is changed at version 1.8 !
Please give me a link of this answer for the version 1.8
Your question was answered jsut a while at
You will need to do some code work... No one seems to have coded this for v.1.8 yet - maybe you can be the first and then do post your code back here ;-)
For the sidebar :
line 161
if ($user) {
$url = "groups/owner/$user->username";
$item = new ElggMenuItem('groups:owned', elgg_echo('groups:owned'), $url);
elgg_register_menu_item('page', $item);
For the button :
lines 15,104,135
line 160
function groups_handle_edit_page($page, $guid = 0) {
@Z - you'll need to do some **php coding to achieve that ! ;-)
@DhrupDeScoop - I found this but i dont know php :(
Can you help me, provide me this code ?
u r guessing ?
not gatekeeper
try :-
if (isadminloggedin()) ...
if you "don't know php' ;-(
it's gonna be quite very hard to *code what you want..
but you can always learn ..
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