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  • xjjj replied on the discussion topic how can i get the real video file path?
    i select elgg1.8 for testing because too many plugins for choice:)),thank you iionly view reply
  • xjjj replied on the discussion topic how can i get the real video file path?
    hi iionly, i haved used the jwplayer flowplay and videojs everyone is ok ,even just this  <video> <source src=\"$this->videosrc\"> </video>"; to replace <video... view reply
  • xjjj replied on the discussion topic how can i get the real video file path?
    it is about support mp4 and all html5 file for the mobile device. this $this->videosrc give me path is http://yesgod.club/izap_videos_files/file/62/889.mp4,it is can not for seeking and streaming, if i replaced the real... view reply
  • xjjj replied on the discussion topic how can i get the real video file path?
    thank you iionly,but how to use it? i try every way to instead the $this->videosrc, it can not work. can you help me please? view reply
  • xjjj has a new avatar
  • xjjj replied on the discussion topic how can i get the real video file path?
    it is about izap video code view reply
  • xjjj added a new discussion topic how can i get the real video file path? in the group Performance and Scalability
    IZAPSETTINGS->playerPath."?movie=".$this->videosrc . $extraOptions ."&volume=30&autoload=on&autoplay=on&vTitle=".$this->title."&showTitle=yes' > i think the $this->videosrc is give the player path,but it is not...
    • You seem to be already much further with getting html5 video support implemented in iZAP Videos for uploaded videos than I am. It's on my ToDo list for quite some time already but I never had time to work on it up to now. Sorry for that... But I don't think I can provide you with any useful advice at the moment.

      I would have said that it might be necessary to switch to the new file serve API of Elgg for getting it to work. But as you are still on Elgg 1.8 this isn't an option for you. In the end you might need to alter the value saved in videosrc already when a video is uploaded to suit your needs. And you would likely need to update the value for existing video entries.

      The point is, that it's a matter that's not trivial and it will take some time to get it working (at least I think you need some time and therefore I haven't started with it so far...). Maybe you could start "at the end": what's the code and filepath or url necessary to play the video. And then go backwards from there and modify the corresponding classes, functions and object data to save and deal with the necessary data on uploading, converting, saving and what else necessary with a video entry. Last but not least deal with updating existing video entries.

      If you have some code to share, I would be happy about seeing what you have done so far. While I don't see me working on it anytime soon, it might still help me once I can work on it. You could send it to iionly@gmx.de if you want to.

    • hi iionly,

      i haved used the jwplayer flowplay and videojs everyone is ok ,even just this 

      <source src=\"$this->videosrc\">

      to replace

      <video width='".$width."' height='".$height."' id='mp4Player'>
      <param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'>
      <param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'>
      <param name='movie' value='".$this->IZAPSETTINGS->playerPath."?movie=".$this->videosrc . $extraOptions ."&volume=30&autoload=on&autoplay=off&vTitle=".$this->title."&showTitle=yes' >
      <embed src='".$this->IZAPSETTINGS->playerPath."?movie=".$this->videosrc . $extraOptions ."&volume=30&autoload=on&autoplay=off&vTitle=".$this->title."&showTitle=yes' width='".$width."' height='".$height."' allowFullScreen='true' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowScriptAccess='always' wmode='transparent'>

      if load  video.js is better like

      <head> <link href="http://vjs.zencdn.net/5.8.8/video-js.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- If you'd like to support IE8 --> <script src="http://vjs.zencdn.net/ie8/1.1.2/videojs-ie8.min.js"></script> </head>

      i do this at engine/lib/views.php
      elgg_register_js('videojs', 'http://vjs.zencdn.net/ie8/1.1.2/videojs-ie8.min.js&#39;, 'head');
    • i select elgg1.8 for testing because too many plugins for choice:)),thank you iionly