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  • vpn_31 replied on the discussion topic I need help please
    thanks for the reply; when i delete groups and some users the error InvalidParameterException start occuring. view reply
  • vpn_31 replied on the discussion topic I need help please
    thanks for. I have this error:InvalidParameterException view reply
  • vpn_31 added a new discussion topic I need help please in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I delete some content of my site(users, groups), and  when i visit my site there is no things the first page wase blank, I have just the title of the site all things disaper, please hep me
    • thanks for the reply; when i delete groups and some users the error InvalidParameterException start occuring.

    • This is not the complete error message. Check the error log on the server. The error message in the log should be more detailed.

    • When deleting users or groups all the content added by the user or added to this group respectively should also get deleted automatically. But if you had some 3rd party plugin on your site and there was added some content handled by this plugin either by the user or the group you delete and at the time of deletion this plugin is not enabled, it could happen that this content is not deleted. So, there might remain some content that belonged to this user (or group) and this content now causes a problem even if it wouldn't get displayed anymore.

      Without the complete error message it's difficult to say if the problem is caused by some content belonging to a disabled plugin. You would know best if you had some plugin installed that now is no longer available and might cause the problem. In this case it might help to add this plugin again at least temporarily to delete any content that's still there from this plugin. Or it might help to use the dbvalidator plugin ( to clean up the database from faulty entries (if you try this plugin, first do a validate run only to see if there is anything the plugin can fix at all and if you would make a fix run do so only after you have made a backup of the database).

  • vpn_31 added a new discussion topic change IP of the site in the group Professional Services
    Hello, I need help please; I changed the IP address of the elgg server(OS Ubuntu server), the url of my elgg site became unreacheable; what are the files to update and change the old IP by the new IP.   Thanks in Advance
  • vpn_31 added a new discussion topic change IP of the site in the group General Discussion
    Hello, I need help please; I changed the IP address of the elgg server(OS Ubuntu server), the url of my elgg site became unreacheable; what are the files to update and change the old IP by the new IP.   Thanks in Advance
  • vpn_31 joined the group Professional Services
  • vpn_31 replied on the discussion topic file size null
    hi iionly; In .htaccess i have this parameters post_max_size= 800M  upload_max_filesize=200M   memory_limit=1G, is there another parameter? view reply
  • vpn_31 replied on the discussion topic file size null
    hi Cach, thank's;  yes it works with the small file, the problem appear when the size >5M. view reply