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  • Viktor added a new discussion topic Setting permanent alias for "composer" in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Dear tech-pros, first see this: When I create an alias the command "composer" works as expected, locally. The script which is executed after the elgg-folder was created...
  • Viktor replied on the discussion topic Ownerships of objects
    Yeah, that looks good and should work for my purposes. Danke :) view reply
  • Viktor replied on the discussion topic Ownerships of objects
    Thanks for the reply. Of course, to get the "connection" between book and review it is possible to deal with containers or relationships. But I want to change the description of the book (not the review), even if I'm not the owner of... view reply
  • Viktor added a new discussion topic Ownerships of objects in the group Beginning Developers
    Hi there, I'm using certain objects as a "base" for other objects ("instances"). Let's say the object is a book, and the instances are reviews to this book. The base-objects I retrieve from an API when a user is...
    • Thanks for the reply. Of course, to get the "connection" between book and review it is possible to deal with containers or relationships. But I want to change the description of the book (not the review), even if I'm not the owner of it (and as "a" user I'm an admin neither)...

    • You can disable the access control on the book entity temporarily within the review add/edit action:

      $access = elgg_set_ignore_access(true);

      $book->description = "Updated description";


      You have to assign the correct book entity to $books depending on how you implement the connection between book and review before these lines of codes. If the permission to change the book description depends on some condition, you should include these lines within an if-clause that checks this conditions.

    • Yeah, that looks good and should work for my purposes.

      Danke :)

  • Viktor joined the group Feedback and Planning
  • Viktor replied on the discussion topic ERROR 500 - INTERNAL SERVER ERROR
    Due to rewrite rules of each "software" (joomla, elgg) the installation of software within a subfolder of another software causes trouble usually. You better install elgg in the folder and joomla in the folder view reply
  • Viktor replied on the discussion topic Elgg 1.9rc2: Picture not opened within a lightbox
    I was grabbing a bit deeper and found another possible class (within the lightbox.js) to declare a lightbox: elgg-lightbox-photo This sets the content-type for the lightbox to photo:true, which means: If true, this setting forces Colorbox... view reply
  • Viktor replied on the discussion topic Problem calling content via lightbox (colorbox)
    I guess that this has something to do with the fact that "inline"-content is not shown as standard in colorbox. Because I just want to display a picture I found another way than trying to activate inline-elements or using another view for... view reply