I am using Vazco_main page plugin for the home page and a theme as well. The css works for every other page except the home page. But i dont think there is a header.php for the vazco_main page plugin? Any suggestions?
I checked the header.php of the theme and it seems to be fine. Anything else i could check?
Alright.. so you did fix the header.. because it was th header issue.
And please, let people know when your issue is resolved.
Thank you. Team Webgalli fixed it for me.
Have look at registration page and other funky features at test site for Dublin University's Trinity College here ==> brain.ensci.us to determine if that is something like what you want. If you like that style... send me PM to discuss further.
I like that. But, the problem is that the registration is not working as for some reason, the verification mail is not being sent. I dont know what is causing the problem.
I need help to fix this issue.
Also, sorry if i was not clear in the earlier post, the custom fuctionality is that i need restrict group creation to only admin but i need subgroups that can be created by registered user.
My times are also very short. So kindly let me know at the earliest. Thanks.
I need abilit to create sub groups within groups. Need to have the ability to have custom grooup page . CAn we have ability for group pages to be setup as website pages for different groups.
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