@Shouvrik: nice looking home page there on serampore.tk. Clean and simple yet stylish.
@Alan: You can also do the same trick from inside the relevant css file for the plugin. Something like:
#this_div_wrapper #layout_header {
So anytime the layout_header appears inside that div wrapper it wont show.
@Trajan: I think my issue was that I stared at the code for so long I couldn't find the right spot in the css to do the trick. LOL So just doing it in the appropriate file worked for me. I used to do nothing but css to build webpages where I could, and am self-taught in both html and css. But php is a whole new story for me.
@Shouvik Mukherjee: very very thank you! it works :)
I second this idea. We have invite only for groups, but I need it for one of my Elggs for the whole site. It's a "friends of friends" concept and I don't want people on the site who are not known by any one already there, in real life (we already built a community on Ning, and now it's moving to Elgg - thank God)
Would this plugin be what you are looking for?
iionly - we just might have to get married now. I LOVE IT! Thanks :)
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