I think it's no longer necessary to use the Friend Request plugin with Elgg 3.2. It's functionality is now included in Elgg core already (see release announcement at https://elgg.org/blog/view/2977093/elgg-32-released).
Thanks @iionly. I found that it is not enabled by default. 2 way friendship has to be activated from admin panel. Thus plugin is no more needed as such. But problem now I face is : when one tries to save a friends name in "Collection" there is Fatal Error and site disappears [ An unrecoverable error has occurred and has been logged. Contact the site administrator with the following information:]
And I am using PHP 7.4.0
I don't know if Elgg 3 is already fully compatible with php 7.4 (and all 3rd party plugins you might use, too).
But the problem might not be due to php version used (maybe Elgg is working already just fine on php 7.4). Look into the error log on the server (either the Apache error log or the php error log if the latter one is separate) what exactly the error is about. The message on screen is not telling you the reason. This info is only available in the error log. And without knowing the reason I can't tell if it might be a bug in Elgg or some other cause.
@Hermand Pessek, I am sorry, I could not manage that. There are unsolved issues and discussions on this it seems, no solutions yet. For this and some other reason I cannot use Elgg 3, although several versions of Elgg 3 are already out. I think no actual production site with large or moderately large number of users is using Elgg 3x. Not sure if this elgg org is yet upgraded to Elgg 3x as that will also cause the same problem with the comments and breakage in user experience. My another worry is size of database table, if meta holds a lot of data as compared to Elgg 2x. Some hosting providers have a limit on table size.
After the first comment the comment form disappears behind a button. This button is located in the "Comments" header.
The latest comment is always the top one. Comments are ordered newest to latest. So there is no need to "jump" the the comment after it's posted because it's the top one.
@ Jerome Bakker Why should the comment form disappear ? This is not what happens here in Elgg org or any of the existing elgg sites or most sites on the net. Does it mean the users have to re-learn the UI behavior and in the process many will leave the site? Comment form appearing in the first instance and then disappearing - its insane. It should be uniform, should not it be ?
And "latest comment" on top does not preserve the chronology of conversation that follows a post ( a blog post or discussion ) . In Elgg org now and also for the last so many years as far as I can see, latest comment appears at bottom.
Was there any massive request to "break" the expected and usual norm? I cant see such request here in GitHub or here, instead there are many posts and issues it seems that are urging not to break the UI behavior of comments from 2x to 3x in such drastic and non-usable way.
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