I will explain onece more..
I just want to add one div nest to "<div id="layout_canvas">" in the view "views/default/pageshells/pageshell.php".
For this I override this view in my theme.
This is working perfectly for non-loggedin users. after this <div id="layout_canvas">, my newly added class will come and the content will display within this div.
the design look like thisbelow:
<div id="layout_canvas">
<div class="inner_body"> <!-- my new div added in pageshell.php of my theme -->
</div><!-- /#close layout_canvas -->
But When i logged in to the site, inside this <div id="layout_canvas">,my newly added class will come..like this below
<div id="layout_canvas">
<div id="layout_canvas">
<div class="inner_body">
</div> <!-- layout canvas closed -->
The reason is because your "two_column_left_sidebar_maincontent" is not wrapped within the "#layout_canvas .inner_body" when logged in. Seems like you are closing the "inner_body" earlier if the user is logged in.
Check for some logged_in() logic within the code.
There are a lot of video players available for files plugin. In addition you can try http://www.webgalli.com/elgg_plugins/profile/4255/video-player-for-elgg-18-files-plugin
This plugin is not working. For every time , it shows the loading symbol only in the player even if the file size is very small..
Its dependent on a lot of factors including your server configuration, mime detection etc.. We have listed some other plugins also in this discussion.
Does not exist AFAIK... maybe the event_manager could be used?
They have done something like this at Stanford - see http://www.slideshare.net/Condiminds/elgg-in-education-stanford-university-david-adams-elggcampsf for a presentation about it. I don't *think* there are community plugins available but it might be worth asking David Adams about it. I don't have contact info but should be easy enough to find.
I used the event_manager plugin. I changed the single file uploading to multiple file upload.
For single file upload its working fine, and i can upload the file to data folder successfully.
But for multiple file upload, the file uploaded tothe data folder with 0bytes file size.. What is wrong with me? Please help..
[Moderator: this comment was off-topic. It was moved to its own topic.]
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