I really like (offline,realtime,mobile....) Option for elgg..
Me too. But dreaming is not the same as implementing :).
can't we start working on above feature right now
Work has in fact already begun. However, work is not going to be sustainable unless we ship 1.9 and figure out how to get releases out the door much quicker. That means introducing fewer bugs, streamlining the release process itself, and perhaps changing our support policy slightly.
elgg API not good :(..
Which parts? Is it a general thing or some specific instances? The Elgg API surface is very large (which is a weakness, IMO), so it's hard to know what you're referring to here.
maintenance is killing me
It's killing us, too. I'd like low-maintenance to be a big focus going forward (for everyone involved: core team, developers, admins, end users).
what I understood from elgg it’s a good framework to star with and then you can modify it to lot more
Please improve your marketing..
Agreed that Elgg is useful for a lot more than social networking. Changing how we pitch Elgg is not a small undertaking, but I think we could focus on "social web applications" moreso than "social networking". Networking is just one thing you can do with a social web application. In fact, "social" itself is probably a useless and overloaded term by now. What are we really saying when we say "social"? Basically just that you log in, see other people's activity, share content.
I used elgg in at least three of my start-ups they all are working good
Great! Have you added them to the showcase? We'd like to continue growing that to attract more people to the platform.
Let’s work more in mobile integration with smart phone
Definitely going to be a focus going forward.
Please Create elgg feature page and give details there what elgg can do.
Need better docs in general, yes.
Search really its pain to use any search engine still we have lot on issue..
let’s make elgg one of the best frame work which can do lots of thinks like CMS for simple website, better blogging then wordpress, better and more feature then magneto
My competetive spirit definitely would like to be "the best", but frankly that shouldn't be a goal in itself. We should focus on meeting well the needs of the people that want to use our software. I'm a developer wanting to use Elgg and I feel like I constantly run into issues with it and it slows me down in a lot of frustrating ways. We don't have big corporate funding like other projects so the only way to get more of the features you're talking about is to:
in near future elgg is going to die becoz it have just focus on social network
This is FUD.
our goal for 2.0 version hope fully this year only
We'll see. I'd like that very much but there's a lot of work to do and I haven't even discussed my ideas with the other team members yet. There's a lot of details to work out still. Fortunately there's also a lot of movement in external communities for these same kinds of goals, so my hope is that we'll be able to just piggyback on their work and just pull everything together into a cohesive story moreso than implementing it all ourselves.
@evan thanks man
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