Clinton van Axel

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  • Clinton van Axel added a new discussion topic How do i put this left? in the group General Discussion
    I want to put this left of my registration/frontpage page on my site. How can i do this?  <div style="height:10px"><table border="1"><tr><td><script type="text/javascript"><!--google_ad_client =...
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic How can i center?
    Can nobody help me out? view reply
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic How can i center?
    No i want 2 do it in a echo style. Is this possible? view reply
  • Clinton van Axel added a new discussion topic How can i center? in the group Elgg Technical Support
    How can i center the image in this script? <div class="usericon">              <?php                if...
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Where can i find this part?
    @Cash Thnx for teh tip :-) Small question. I'm trying to center my profile image. Tried the hole day to get it good, this script. Still can't find how to center it. <div class="usericon">     ... view reply
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Where can i find this part?
    @Cash Yes I did, still couldn't find it :-( view reply
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Where can i find this part?
    @Cash Id di search, couldn't find it. Also try to figure it out with firebug. Still couldn't find where it was @ so i can change the layout. view reply
  • Clinton van Axel added a new discussion topic Where can i find this part? in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Where can i find the User administration part. The index of it. I want to change the looks of it? Can anyone please help me out?
    • What tool are you using to search? You need to either use grep or an editor that has a built-in search through files option.

    • @Cash

      Thnx for teh tip :-)

      Small question. I'm trying to center my profile image. Tried the hole day to get it good, this script.

      Still can't find how to center it.

      <div class="usericon">     
                      if ((isadminloggedin()) || (!$vars['entity']->isBanned())) {
               ?><a href="<?php echo $vars['entity']->getURL(); ?>" class="icon" ><?php
              ?><img src="<?php echo $vars['entity']->getIcon($vars['size']); ?>" border="0" <?php echo $align; ?> title="<?php echo htmlentities($vars['entity']->name, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); ?>" <?php echo $vars['js']; ?> /><?php

                      if (!$override) {
              ?></a><div class="sub_menu">
                      <a href="<?php echo $vars['entity']->getURL(); ?>"><h3><?php echo $vars['entity']->name; ?></h3></a>
                              if (isloggedin()) {
                                      $actions = elgg_view('profile/menu/actions',$vars);
                                      if (!empty($actions)) {
                                              echo "<div class=\"item_line\">{$actions}</div>";
                                      if ($vars['entity']->getGUID() == $vars['user']->getGUID()) {
                                              echo elgg_view('profile/menu/linksownpage',$vars);
                                      } else {
                                              echo elgg_view('profile/menu/links',$vars);
                              } else {
                                      echo elgg_view('profile/menu/links',$vars);

    • If you're using a good search tool, it should be really easy to find the main view of the user administration page. I found it in two searches starting with a search for "User Administration". 

  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Is there a plugin?
    @Brett Something like this (see screenshots): Do u see the Attach:  When u press one of the buttons) U get a drop down(see next screenshot) view reply
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Redirect problem
    @RPGRealms Where is the best place to add it? Under the save part are anywhere? view reply
  • Clinton van Axel replied on the discussion topic Redirect problem
    @ Brett I saw the foward but now im still stuck forward("mod/thewire/everyone.php"); @Team Webgalli If i add that line i get problems with login in 2 the website. U get in a loop. view reply
  • Clinton van Axel added a new discussion topic Redirect problem in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Can anyone help me out. I added the wire to the river but when i post i get redirected to the wire. What do i need to add to let it stay on the dashboard. Here is the code: <div id="content_area_user_title"><h2><?php echo...
    • @Clinton, I cant understand how you are getting the redirect loop?

    • Hi folks

      I've posted this here, because it's another problem with redirect. I'm fairly new to plugin writing. I have an action pay.php that 'works' because it does the action [involving curl and an external server] but it just displays a white page and doesn't redirect, no matter how I code it up..code below:

      include ($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/mod/cclite/cclite-common.php") ;

          // Make sure we're logged in (send us to the front page if not)
              // Make sure action is secure
              $touser = get_input('touser');
              $currency = get_input('currency');
              $quantity = get_input('quantity');
              $description = get_input('description');


      $input = array('pay',$touser,$quantity,$currency) ; // parameters supplied as array
      $cclite = cclite_contents($input) ;

      // display return from cclite...





    • hey.....can any body resolve my redirection problem from a popup. when i am opening a popup, i have redirected that through action (written in start.php of profile module) but the after inserting the values, from action page it is not being redirected as desired instead of that it is being redirected on index page of "profile" module. ( Code: http://localhost/elgg-riplocas/pg/profile/Maron )



      Code is as follows:

      $url = $CONFIG->url . "pg/profile/".$username."/show_deceased_profile/?id=".$_REQUEST['deceased_profile_id'];



      Please help me in resolving this issue.....its quite urgently needed

  • Clinton van Axel added a new discussion topic Is there a plugin? in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Is there a plugin out there that creates the javascript dropdown like on facebook. When u press on the image photo. It gives u three option.