If you use the profile_manager plugin I believe it has settings for that. Otherwise you'd have to write something.
It doesn't appear that there is any way to do this using Profile_Manager. Does any one have any suggestions about how I could add this to the registration. I obviously know I can edit the actions/register.php file, but I do not know how to access my plugin variables for the user.
Can anyone suggest how I could go about adding the user customizations fields from a plugin widget to the registration form? Thank you kindly.
Have you tried the profile_manager plugin?
Can you clarify what you mean by "does not work"? What is the intended behavior and what are you seeing instead?
Side note: avoiding elgg_view's is going to really hurt you down the line, so I strongly recommend against that approach, even though I know right now it feels like it's adding more complication to something that should be simpler.
@rp have you been hacking into the elgg core code ? the std logout code via view source is ->
<div id="elgg_topbar_container_right">
<a href="http://community.elgg.org/action/logout?__elgg_ts=1305092720&__elgg_token=79546681791393027216630eea972040" >Log out</a> </small>
if you're *not* following the stds and coding appropriately...
might be rsn why yr code in troublez..
chek the api`s and etc to figure the corect why to code this (rather simple) stuff.
after importing database you have to do some upgradation in database
please read this wiki http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Duplicate_Installation
Migrating servers has been a very stress-free job for me ... using the elgg docs and descoop help for the first time. Afterwards, it is been as smooth as cakewalk ...
@roman : if you follow the wiki, Its not hard to do the upgrade. also, you cant simply import the user_entity table to create user accounts. You need to pass these user details through Elgg aPI's to create new accounts in yournew elgg install. If you can explain, how you made the upgrade step wise, we may be able to help to find the fault.
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