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  • P3aul replied on the discussion topic modifying the default theme in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi! I have been having troubles trying to modify a socializeme theme so I've went back to the default theme. I have managed to modify where I put my logo and the background color.  What I wish to do now is remove the widget in the login...
    • Hi Wolfepk1!

      Thats a nice looking theme you have there.I have been working with wordpress trying to modify it. I just deleted Elgg from y server because I crashed it. I am now uploading Elgg 1.6 and I guess I'll have  new can of worms involved with it! I'll keep you updated and maybe you can help me out. You obviously know what you'r doing. Right now I have to back my head out Wordpress and get my noggin wrapped around Elgg again!

      Thanks for responding, sorry for the delay. I just read your post.


    • hi all...

       i have installed elgg1.6,  but i cant see the gui interface good as in or some other, the gui is absent....  you can see it can you tell me wher i have gone wrong??

      help me out...


      thanks in advance

    • check php safe mode on your server

  • P3aul replied on the discussion topic modifying the default theme in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi! I have been having troubles trying to modify a socializeme theme so I've went back to the default theme. I have managed to modify where I put my logo and the background color.  What I wish to do now is remove the widget in the login...
    • Hi Wolfepk1!

      Thats a nice looking theme you have there.I have been working with wordpress trying to modify it. I just deleted Elgg from y server because I crashed it. I am now uploading Elgg 1.6 and I guess I'll have  new can of worms involved with it! I'll keep you updated and maybe you can help me out. You obviously know what you'r doing. Right now I have to back my head out Wordpress and get my noggin wrapped around Elgg again!

      Thanks for responding, sorry for the delay. I just read your post.


    • hi all...

       i have installed elgg1.6,  but i cant see the gui interface good as in or some other, the gui is absent....  you can see it can you tell me wher i have gone wrong??

      help me out...


      thanks in advance

    • check php safe mode on your server

  • P3aul replied on the discussion topic modifying the default theme in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi! I have been having troubles trying to modify a socializeme theme so I've went back to the default theme. I have managed to modify where I put my logo and the background color.  What I wish to do now is remove the widget in the login...
    • Hi Wolfepk1!

      Thats a nice looking theme you have there.I have been working with wordpress trying to modify it. I just deleted Elgg from y server because I crashed it. I am now uploading Elgg 1.6 and I guess I'll have  new can of worms involved with it! I'll keep you updated and maybe you can help me out. You obviously know what you'r doing. Right now I have to back my head out Wordpress and get my noggin wrapped around Elgg again!

      Thanks for responding, sorry for the delay. I just read your post.


    • hi all...

       i have installed elgg1.6,  but i cant see the gui interface good as in or some other, the gui is absent....  you can see it can you tell me wher i have gone wrong??

      help me out...


      thanks in advance

    • check php safe mode on your server

  • P3aul replied on the discussion topic modifying the default theme in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi! I have been having troubles trying to modify a socializeme theme so I've went back to the default theme. I have managed to modify where I put my logo and the background color.  What I wish to do now is remove the widget in the login...
    • Hi Wolfepk1!

      Thats a nice looking theme you have there.I have been working with wordpress trying to modify it. I just deleted Elgg from y server because I crashed it. I am now uploading Elgg 1.6 and I guess I'll have  new can of worms involved with it! I'll keep you updated and maybe you can help me out. You obviously know what you'r doing. Right now I have to back my head out Wordpress and get my noggin wrapped around Elgg again!

      Thanks for responding, sorry for the delay. I just read your post.


    • hi all...

       i have installed elgg1.6,  but i cant see the gui interface good as in or some other, the gui is absent....  you can see it can you tell me wher i have gone wrong??

      help me out...


      thanks in advance

    • check php safe mode on your server

  • P3aul replied on the discussion topic modifying the default theme in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi! I have been having troubles trying to modify a socializeme theme so I've went back to the default theme. I have managed to modify where I put my logo and the background color.  What I wish to do now is remove the widget in the login...
    • Hi Wolfepk1!

      Thats a nice looking theme you have there.I have been working with wordpress trying to modify it. I just deleted Elgg from y server because I crashed it. I am now uploading Elgg 1.6 and I guess I'll have  new can of worms involved with it! I'll keep you updated and maybe you can help me out. You obviously know what you'r doing. Right now I have to back my head out Wordpress and get my noggin wrapped around Elgg again!

      Thanks for responding, sorry for the delay. I just read your post.


    • hi all...

       i have installed elgg1.6,  but i cant see the gui interface good as in or some other, the gui is absent....  you can see it can you tell me wher i have gone wrong??

      help me out...


      thanks in advance

    • check php safe mode on your server