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  • As the title says, calling your demo plugin the "GPL version" but then obfuscating and encoding crucial aspects of the code takes it completely out of GPL compliance. Every version of the GPL (and even the Apache license) states that The source...
  • obijohn joined the group Plugin Development
  • obijohn replied on the discussion topic hacker spam
    One of the first things I did was override the registration to require that the username field only contain alphanumeric characters (and a few other requirements, like passwords being 6 or more characters, username must be at least 3, things like... view reply
  • obijohn replied on the discussion topic CSS problem in Google Chrome
    Works fine for me on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. IE doesn't show rounded corners. view reply
  • obijohn replied on the discussion topic [Design] Rounded corners
    @iionly Waiting for IE9 is not a solution at all. Yes, for those users that upgrade the round css3 borders will finally work (notice the first post in this thread is almost 2 years old!). But heres the sad truth: IE8 has been out for over a... view reply
  • obijohn replied on the discussion topic [Design] Rounded corners
    @ M.R.A.  I've looked at it myself. Drives me NUTS. CurvyCorners has an issue with borders disappearing when you've got a parent div (and everything has a parent in the elgg code). Any js solution is going to require a ton of work editing all... view reply
  • obijohn replied on the discussion topic tinyMCE does not save font family
    Ok, I tested it in a sandbox installation and it's definitely the htmlawed plugin that's stripping the font-family span. When that plugin is disabled (and I can't disabled it on the live site since it's extremely insecure to do so) font-family is... view reply
  • obijohn added a new discussion topic tinyMCE does not save font family in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I'm using elgg 1.7.4 and the default tinymce plugin, although I have edited longtext.php to set up tinymce (this was happening to me on 1.7.3 as well) with a couple of extra options. I've got "fontselect" as a defined tool button, and in...
    • Ok, I tested it in a sandbox installation and it's definitely the htmlawed plugin that's stripping the font-family span. When that plugin is disabled (and I can't disabled it on the live site since it's extremely insecure to do so) font-family is saved. When it is enabled, font-family is stripped. 

      Now that I've identified the problem, can anyone familiar with htmlawed point me in the direction of where to look in the source to fix it?

      EDIT: Hah, ok, that was easy. I just needed to add "font-family" to $allowed_styles in start.php for htmlawed.

      EDIT 2: Actually, although this doesn't affect the font-family style that tinyMCE uses, it turns out there is a bug in the main htmLawed.php processing file where "face=arial" is transformed to "font-family: rial" (it drops the first character of the font name). That code section is very archaic to me and I can't figure it out. Lines 627-628:

       if(preg_match('`face\s*=\s*(\'|")([^=]+?)\\1`i', $a, $m) or preg_match('`face\s*=\s*([^"])(\S+)`i', $a, $m)){
        $a2 .= ' font-family: '. str_replace('"', '\'', trim($m[2])). ';';
      I believe it's the last trim() that's doing it, but all the regular expression stuff is losing me. Any takers?