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  • nalonso commented on the plugin JQuery Local Ads Rotator
    It depends on where you have your sidebar in your template. The position is not fixed in the plugin. Best regards!
  • Mmm, something weird happened: today, I had a phone call regarding this topic... so it seems that we are having problems to get the email delivered to Hotmail in our Elgg server. I run the test suggested in the FAQ, and is fine (I received the test... view reply
  • nalonso replied on the discussion topic Fatal error in Activity widget, user Dashboard
    I forgot to tell, my elgg version is 2.3.3 Best regards, nalonso view reply
  • Hi topdog08: I had that issue at some point in the past two months, and if I recall right, it was a problem related to DNS configuration, not with the email server itself. I remember that they respond to elgg's generated emails with an error... view reply
  • nalonso replied on the discussion topic can not receive the email from my website
    Hi jasoos: I have a problem like that in the past, and I solved it by installing a local Postfix copy, delivering the elgg mail to Postfix, and letting the Postfix deal with the authentication in the "external" email server, as... view reply
  • nalonso added a new discussion topic Fatal error in Activity widget, user Dashboard in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi all! I'm facing the following issue, and I have to solve it "the hard way", by disabling the script. The problem is that if the users remove all widgets in the dashboard, and then tries to add the "Activity" widget, the...
  • nalonso replied on the discussion topic Merge entities in one timeline (blog posts, for instance)
    Thanks a lot RvR! The solution worked almost like you suggested! The only change I have to do was: $widget = elgg_extract('entity', $vars); $count = sanitise_int($widget->num_display, false); if ($count < 1) { $count =... view reply
  • nalonso added a new discussion topic Merge entities in one timeline (blog posts, for instance) in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi all! I'm currently working on extending the functionality of the blog widget, in the following way: If the widget is in the users profile, then it will show only their own post. If the widget is in the user's dashboard, then it will show a...
    • I've never tried it but you can:

      $widget = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);
      $count = sanitise_int($widget->num_display, false);
      if ($count < 1) {
          $count = 4;
      $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
      $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()
      $friends = $user->getFriends(['limit' => 0]);
      $friends_guids = array();
      foreach ($friends as $friend) {
        $friends_guids[] = $friend->guid;
      $options = [
          'type' => 'object',
          'subtype' => 'blog',
          'owner_guids' => [$user_guid, $friends_guids],
          'limit' => $count,
          'full_view' => false,
          'pagination' => false,
      $content = elgg_list_entities($options);
      echo $content;
    • Thanks a lot RvR!

      The solution worked almost like you suggested! The only change I have to do was:

      $widget = elgg_extract('entity', $vars);

      $count = sanitise_int($widget->num_display, false);
      if ($count < 1) {
      $count = 4;

      $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
      $user_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid()

      $friends = $user->getFriends(['limit' => 0]);
      $friends_guids = array();

      foreach ($friends as $friend) {
      $friends_guids[] = $friend->guid;

      // Changed, because when we do [$user_guid, $friends_guids] and you have more than one friend
      // the structure was: [int, [int, int]], and should be [int, int, int]

      $friends_guids[] = $user_guid;

      $options = [
      'type' => 'object',
      'subtype' => 'blog',
      'owner_guids' => $friends_guids,
      'limit' => $count,
      'full_view' => false,
      'pagination' => false,

      $content = elgg_list_entities($options);

      echo $content;

      Just for the record, this changed should be done in /mod/blog/views/default/widgets/blog/content.php. If anyone is interested in the rest of the code, it will be my pleasure to share it!

      Thanks again!!!