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  • Naila commented on a page titled Creación de plugins, instalación, servidores, etc. Elgg.
    Hola, Espero me puedan ayudar con un problema que tengo, necesito un plugin que me permita exportar la información de los usuarios a un PDF así como lo hace el area de administración de Elgg que exporta a CSV pero en mi caso yo...
  • Naila commented on the plugin CSV exporter
    I installed this plugin, i select to export users and some attributes but the show me a message "You wil recive a email when th cvs is available" but never sends me a mail so what is the prolem?
  • Naila added a new discussion topic sna4elgg retrieve other user data in the group General Discussion
    Hello I am Naila and I was wondering if you can help me, I have a doubt, sna4elgg retrieves the user's name, now I want to recover other user data, my question is: Where do I modify to recover other data? because the users of my social...
  • Naila commented on the plugin SNA4Elgg
    Hi, I come back with other question. Sna4elgg retrieves the user's name, now I want to retrieve other user data, my question is: Where do I modify to recover other data? because the users of my social network have a rating associated with...
  • Naila replied on the discussion topic Please I need your help with sna4elgg
    error corrected here   view reply
  • Naila commented on the plugin SNA4Elgg
    I just verified what you mentioned Belkir and that caused me the error mentioned above. I just wanted to say thank you Belkir
  • Naila commented on the plugin SNA4Elgg
    Maybe that causes the graph.gexf file to just have this? <!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>         <meta charset="UTF-8" />         <meta...
  • Naila added a new discussion topic Please I need your help with sna4elgg in the group General Discussion
    I installed elgg2.3 and sna4elgg 2.2 and everything is ok and I can download the file graph.gexf but when I open this file with an editor of text, it only has this:  <!DOCTYPE html> <html>     <head>  ...