Thanks Betty, that looks much much better - only there is still an issue with the Dashboard or Elgg Toolbar once someone tries to sign in. Does anyone else have this problem? It's as if the Settings, Administration, and other top Dashboard links are overlapping one another - they stop behaving the same as they did when the default theme is active.
My test site is here:
You can try seeing for yourself with
Username: Test
Password: password
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and thanks for your quick reply thus far!
It appears your site is the Simple Neutral Theme. If so, we have upgraded from 1.5 to 1.6 and then 1.6.1 and have had no problems at all. We don't use any fancy plugins, just izap video, tidypics, SiteAccess, which we're not now using cause it's broken with 1.6. We've not had to make any mods to the theme, although we have done css work. Otherwise it's right out of the box.
You're right, Ron, we're using the Simple Neutral Theme, but for us we needed to switch the js directory and aspects of the default header, as Betty suggested above, and we still have that issue with the Top Bar.
Anyone else have a suggestion or can confirm a similar error in converted themes?
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