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  • mcmasterp replied on the discussion topic Fatal error: Call to a member function getGUID()
    I changed 2 lines in the view.php file under mod/messageboard/views/default/widgets/messageboard/ Now the form to submit a message only appears if you are logged in.  the already posted messages still appear as normal, only the form is... view reply
  • mcmasterp joined the group Elgg Technical Support
  • mcmasterp replied on the discussion topic elgg_Topbar won't change
    Well I did take your advice I think. for now I just deleted the word "Dashboard" from the en.php file, not the best fix but I do not plan on using the dashboard. logged in users with no refer dest. are sent to their profile, so the dashboard is... view reply
  • mcmasterp replied on the discussion topic elgg_Topbar won't change
    I'd swear it was loading a different elgg_topbar.php file. I'd think it was the cache but no. view reply
  • mcmasterp replied on the discussion topic elgg_Topbar won't change
    thanks  for the quick reply but I checked that file. I can change the name of the dashnoard there, but I am trying to delete the whole link code from the topbar, and add words after the profile pic. this is the relevent section of my... view reply
  • mcmasterp joined the group Beginning Developers
  • mcmasterp added a new discussion topic elgg_Topbar won't change in the group General Discussion
    I am stumped. Iedited the topbar.php in the views/default/page_elements folder to remove the elgg logo, everything went fine. then I removed the dashboard link and added the words "My Profile" to the profile link and nothing changed! I cleared...
    • thanks  for the quick reply but I checked that file. I can change the name of the dashnoard there, but I am trying to delete the whole link code from the topbar, and add words after the profile pic.

      this is the relevent section of my elgg_topbar.php file in the default theme folder and yet the dashboard link shows up and theres no "My Profile"

           if (isloggedin()) {

      <div id="elgg_topbar">

      <div id="elgg_topbar_container_left">
          <div class="toolbarimages">
              <a href="<?php echo $_SESSION['user']->getURL(); ?>"><img class="user_mini_avatar" src="<?php echo $_SESSION['user']->getIcon('topbar'); ?>" />My Profile</a>

                  echo elgg_view("navigation/topbar_tools");


              <div class="toolbarlinks2">
              //allow people to extend this top menu
              echo elgg_view('elgg_topbar/extend', $vars);
              <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>pg/settings/" class="usersettings"><?php echo elgg_echo('settings'); ?></a>
                  // The administration link is for admin or site admin users only
                  if ($vars['user']->admin || $vars['user']->siteadmin) {
                  <a href="<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>pg/admin/" class="usersettings"><?php echo elgg_echo("admin"); ?></a>


    • I'd swear it was loading a different elgg_topbar.php file. I'd think it was the cache but no.

    • Well I did take your advice I think. for now I just deleted the word "Dashboard" from the en.php file, not the best fix but I do not plan on using the dashboard. logged in users with no refer dest. are sent to their profile, so the dashboard is gone!! ya! still not to comfortable with not being able to edit the topbar.php, but for now...



  • mcmasterp joined the group General Discussion