

  • Mani replied on the discussion topic Your data not writable
    I am on Ubuntu 13.10 with LAMP stack had the same problem so this is what worked for me 1. Open terminal 2. "cd" to your elgg data folder 3. type " sudo chmod 777 data " (without quotes, "data" is name of my elgg data folder) and push enter 4.... view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    Finally i figured it out, i had nested form tags well thank you ismayil If you are facing this type of problem check out this link below on... view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    This is what i found in my error log file related to my action file PHP WARNING: 2013-10-07 18:58:38 (UTC): "error_log() [<a href='function.error-log'>function.error-log</a>]: Failed to connect to mailserver at... view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    no file is at given target.......i will update if can find any solutions view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    updated action file if($_FILES['upload']['error']>0) { register_error('Error'); } else { $info = pathinfo($_FILES['upload']['name']); $ext = $info['extension']; $newName = "projectTest.".$ext; $target =... view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    Every thing in else block shows blank as output view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    Thank you for your quick reply but i am still not able to figure it out as what is the problem upload.php (form file) ----------------------------------------------------- <?php$form_body = '<input type="file" name="upload"... view reply
  • Mani replied on the discussion topic File upload
    I am trying to implement this given code in my elgg test site as i need a upload file provision inside a form, every thing else is ok but code below display's 'EMPTY'. if(!empty($_FILES['upload'])){system_message(' NOT... view reply

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