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  • Beginning Developers

    Beginning Developers

    This space is for newcomers, who wish to build a new plugin or to customize an existing one to their liking
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  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic Creating Pages
    Not like I love only old things hahahahahahahha. You know there might be need for features that an old installation offers. Guys , I appeal to you to publish detailed and simple tutorials on elgg framework and how to update plugins. That will... view reply
  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic Creating Pages
    Thanks. I have deployed the plugin . Now am asking the compatible codes to use to display text, pictures and graphics on the static pages. Advice. view reply
  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic Creating Pages
    I downloaded the Anypages plugin but it disappears from the plugin list . Advice view reply
  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic how to create static pages
    Thanks Ismayil Khayredinov, I downloaded the "anypage" folder and copied it to the mod folder as a plugin it . It doesnt appear on the plugin list in elgg. I changed the "required version" to 1.9 instead of 2.3 because my elgg is... view reply
  • kxx4 added a new discussion topic Creating Pages in the group Beginning Developers
    I intend to create static pages to display photos and descriptions in an order. I have used the menu-item plugin in v1.10. to create menus are the top side of the page . How can I create the pages and link to url. Thanks
    • Thank you Steve. I followed hello_word and created the page but I still do not know how to put the embed code. I tried putting it in star.php but it gave an error. Do you have any other ideas?
    • I would also like to have knowledge to update old and abandoned plugins
    • In my opinion the docs of Elgg contain sufficient information on how to update plugins to work on newer Elgg versions. But they are not meant as a basic course in learning to code. You need some basic knowledge in coding in php (Javascript, html, css, jquery is helpful, too) to be able to code an Elgg plugin in the first place. With the basic knowledge (there are many places to gain this knowledge on the Internet or just buy some books) you can learn about the Elgg API on the docs pages and tutorials of Elgg to be able to code an Elgg plugin and also how to update a plugin. Creating/updating an Elgg plugin is no magic. But you also can't expect that you can gain that knowledge in just a few minutes/days and then be an expert.

  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic how to create static pages
    @Ura soul: I need detail on applying this method to create state pages. I intend to set up pages with a list of people with their photos and descriptions by the side. view reply
  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic Data is missing
    If the timezone is not the issue, then I wonder. The popup has not worked for the photos even before migrating from shared to VPS on a new host. The issue here is that no file is downloaded when the download link is clicked, and the mp3 player does... view reply
  • kxx4 replied on the discussion topic Data is missing
    Sure I can upload new images, and the thumbnails show but the full files do not download. I read a thread  where a user recommended changing the time zone. The site was hosted on a server that ran PST/PDT while the present VPS is set... view reply