You mean the funky
As a start I was looking at the 'elgg_topbar' in page elements with the view to hacking that so it was visable 100% of the time to all users. Then I was going to change the way links are displayed (not a fan of drop downs anyway!) to a roll over java method.
I tried removing the ' <?php if (isloggedin()) {?> ' to unresrict the nav bar but this kills the page. I am new to elgg scripts but it occured to me that there is no closing /if (or any other related variables) I can see in that page or the other includes for that layout. This is different from my last php script I hacked where there was always a closing tag.
Any thoughts on this one?
Not to worry now, Jeremy Winter's custom blue theme has solved a number of my requests - cheers to everyone
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