
  • sat replied on the discussion topic user database?
    Oh,, I didn't check that! Thank you very much for the pointer, RvR!!   Best Regards, Sat view reply
  • sat added a new discussion topic user database? in the group Beginning Developers
    Hi All, A quick question about database used with elgg. When my elgg deployment needs to have new&additional data structure, is there any (best) practice or something that we can share? For example, it should be separated from elgg...
  • sat replied on the discussion topic embedding Google map
    Hi, Now I'm also looking into feasibility of displaying location tree.(eg. side bar) For instance; World  +--- United State +--- CA --- Palo Alto  |                   ... view reply
  • sat replied on the discussion topic First page after login
    Hi ura, Thanks for the info! Now I'm testing it with Elgg 1.11.1 but looks like not working properly,,, need further investigation!! Regards, Sat view reply
  • sat replied on the discussion topic tutorial
    Hi Evan, Thank you very much for an update! OK, I'll try to understand basics of Elgg views until I become comfortable with them. :)   Thanks again for your help. Regards, Sat view reply
  • sat replied on the discussion topic tutorial
    Do we have to learn everything from existing plugin/theme downloadable?? view reply
  • sat added a new discussion topic tutorial in the group Theme Development
    Hi, Could you tell me how you learned&mastered developing your theme in Elgg? I'm reading docs but still not sure about whole things. It would be great if there're further materials or ideas that we can share for beginners....
    • It's pretty typical to learn from existing plugins/themes. Personally I picked it up after just spending a bunch of time writing one myself. Then I started to form some opinions about how Elgg could make it better and trying to bake those learnings into subsequent versions.

      If you have a good understanding of views, that'll get you 80% of the way there.

      Use views to override the CSS views in core and you'll be good to go!

    • Hi Evan,

      Thank you very much for an update!

      OK, I'll try to understand basics of Elgg views until I become comfortable with them. :)


      Thanks again for your help.



    • or you could download some book's from torrent and start learning :)

  • sat added a new discussion topic First page after login in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi, I've just completed default installation of Elgg. Looks like users always logged in to Activity page after logging in by default. Is there any way to change the first page? such as Wire page??   Regards, Sat


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