Why not install your test site on your WAMP server.
We use 3 different servers because in order to do do heavy load-testing we cannot hit our production server, so a different server is needed. e.g. hitting the server for testing with ab or jmeter - with thousands of hits cannot be done on the same server as prod.
WAMPP is fine for low level functional testing and checking out software, but when "load" and stress" testing is required.. one really needs a "live" box to test with ;-)
Hi Karl, please don't take this in the wrong way:
This question has been asked dozens of times and a quick search would return a lot of information.
In a nutshell: Elgg does not deliver emails. If emails are not being delivered from your server, then you have a problem with your server configuration and should probably check with your hosting provider.
You can find much more at the above link.
Thank you Kevin. I have viewed a lot of those pages but this does not appear to be one address in particular. @gmail, @yahoo, @mysite, have all received nothing. So bizaar.
Hi Karl,
I am just trying to share my experience. I have had the similar problem. For me the cause was "may be" different, but it worked fine when I turned ON the "sendmail" server on my webhost using my control panel called webmin.
But please note, the email was not sent to anyone while I was using elgg on my localhost. :)
Definitely do not delete your original admin account. Fatal errors throughout the entire website afterwards. I created another admin account...made sure I could do everything that the main account could do...and then when I thought I was ready I deleted the first one...and site crashed. Errors everywhere...I logged into my new admin account and could not even navigate through the admin correctly....lots of errors. Glad I learned of this now and not later. Anyways just letting you all know...
I want to change the admin password. How can I do that? Is there a config file?
Greedy: Login as that admin and click the Settings link in the top bar.
In future it would be better to start a new thread rather than changing the topic on an existing thread.
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