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Email: jlmeyer01@netzero.net

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  • jlmeyer01 has a new avatar
  • The login screen is to far to the left and blocks the website name, you have to scroll to the right to read any info   view reply
  • jlmeyer01 replied on the discussion topic Elgg Backend
    The only reason I want to use windows is because of the extras it brings I could run multiple elgg sites I could incorperate Active Directory and othe features into Elgg I can run other OS in the background like FaceBook does for Elgg I... view reply
  • jlmeyer01 added a new discussion topic Elgg Backend in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I am setting up a new system and am wondering what I should use for the backend, and yes I am lazy and like to take the easy route 1. Windows 8 -> Oracle VirtualBox -> Centos -> Elgg 2. Windows 10 -> Same as above 3. Windows...
    • I'm not sure if it makes a difference if you're using a VM, especially if you're just using it for testing at this point

    • The only reason I want to use windows is because of the extras it brings

      I could run multiple elgg sites

      I could incorperate Active Directory and othe features into Elgg

      I can run other OS in the background like FaceBook does for Elgg

      I can keep Mysql on a seperate drive as whell as my user data and photo and game data

      If you can please tell me why this would be a bad idea?

      Also I can run Adobe and Visual Studio on windows


    • If you'd like virtualization, just configure vagrant box for your needs, something like: https://github.com/Srokap/elgg_vagrant (debian75-x64, but still WIP so you'd need to adjust it to your needs). Should be easier to maintain your environment. Something to look at as well: https://puphpet.com/

      I still use http://www.wampserver.com/en/ on my Windows 8.1, especially useful when having 3 versions of Apache and 4 of PHP and you want to switch easily between them. Still some manual adjusting is needed for it to switch smoothly.

  • jlmeyer01 added a new discussion topic Elgg PHP in the group Performance and Scalability
    I have been reading a lot about facebook and how they are set up, I would like to know if Elgg is PHP only or can it handle other languages? http://royal.pingdom.com/2010/06/18/the-software-behind-facebook/  
    • Elgg is written in PHP, plugins are PHP only.  I'm not sure what you mean by 'can handle other languages' but the answer is no.

    • That's a badly asked question. Elgg is a PHP framework, so the answer to your question as for almost every PHP framework is no.

      You ask about languages, but link to article speaking about something different.

      • Elgg integrates with memcached, check settings.php
      • Last time I've checked, Elgg wasn't running smoothly on hiphop, though there were several changes since that time, so perhaps it's worth revisiting: https://github.com/Elgg/Elgg/issues/6248 I don't recommend it for a production use at the moment.
      • You can implement custom file storages in Elgg
      • It's possible to combine Elgg with middleware solution to construct page from computed separately parts, ie. the system I was designing (if you dare to bare with my terrible accent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhISiQuc6OQ).
      • Minds made cassandra fork of Elgg, though it's not open-source'd just yet AFAIK
      • There's no Thrift support in Elgg, but nothing stops you from using it https://thrift.apache.org/tutorial/php, I wouldn't expect good ROI there and I can't vouch for a stability of this extension
      • Elgg integrates well with Varnish if you know what to cache and what not in your Varnish configuration. If made correctly, you can gain a lot by using it.
      • For profiling, I can recommend Xdebug, though that's not something to keep constantly enabled on production site.

      That's regarding topics in the article. Please ask more precise questions in future.

  • jlmeyer01 added a new discussion topic Movies in Elgg in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I am looking for a plugin that will go out and search the web for theater times and display what it finds on your main page and mabey let you logon to that page and purchace tickets to that event like on FaceBook https://foursquare.com/
  • jlmeyer01 replied on the discussion topic Friends, Let's Create social inviter plugin
    I have a crazy idea that might solve this Invite problem, how about a script that logs you into your facebook account, grabs your friend data and then logs you out in 5 sec to 2 minutes? The reason I pose this idea is because googling facebook... view reply
  • jlmeyer01 replied on the discussion topic Friends, Let's Create social inviter plugin
    Was surfing Gooooooooooooooogle and saw this web page from 2008 and thouht it might help with the problem of inviting friends from facebook http://ajaxian.com/archives/facebook-style-input-box view reply