Thanks for the links Cash!
Currently I'm getting: groupspost:nopost when I try and add a comment to (someone else's existing topic). A big problem and show stopper. This, I think, comes from
$post = get_input('topic_post');
// Let's see if we can get an entity with the specified GUID, and that it's a group forum topic
if ($topic = get_entity($topic_guid)) {
if ($topic->getSubtype() == "groupforumtopic") {
//check the user posted a message
// If posting the comment was successful, say so
if ($topic->annotate('group_topic_post',$post,$topic->access_id, $_SESSION['guid'])) {
// add to river
} else {
I'd be grateful for advice on what to change/patch to fix this.
Best regards Hugh
I'll answer myself, I turned off the tinymce plugin, and I can now post comments to discussion topics.
Thanks for the links Cash!
Currently I'm getting: groupspost:nopost when I try and add a comment to (someone else's existing topic). A big problem and show stopper. This, I think, comes from
$post = get_input('topic_post');
// Let's see if we can get an entity with the specified GUID, and that it's a group forum topic
if ($topic = get_entity($topic_guid)) {
if ($topic->getSubtype() == "groupforumtopic") {
//check the user posted a message
// If posting the comment was successful, say so
if ($topic->annotate('group_topic_post',$post,$topic->access_id, $_SESSION['guid'])) {
// add to river
} else {
I'd be grateful for advice on what to change/patch to fix this.
Best regards Hugh
I'll answer myself, I turned off the tinymce plugin, and I can now post comments to discussion topics.
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