Could you elaborate on this.. some more details on what you want to achieve ? Sounds like this might be interesting... ;-)
I am so sorry for not get back to you. I have another job and have been working on my own elgg site. I have been doing some product evaluations. This is what I have learned so far. Let me preface my comments by saying I am not to familar with elgg on the backend coding stuff.
I was looking to automate the marketing/Tech and Customer support process as much as possible. Also, looking for something that will scale and others could use too. Awebber seems to be the standard for internet mail and landing page marketing. So I was looking to see what my options where. Also something that has google webmaster tools and affiliate network possibilites with a little tweaking.
I was looking at sugar crm but it does not allow me to drill down with enought detail for my marketing campaigns. I could over come that issue with custom work so I may revisit it at some point. I looked at Vtiger too. Same thing.
I am now looking at a hosted erp application that looks promising. I am incontact with the developers during Beta to try and help them along as they tweak it.
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