Hi Ismayil,
Thank you so much. I'll read what you recommended me.
Thank you again.
Note, not all Elgg APIs are public. Anything starting with "_" or marked @access private is off-limits and will change or be removed without notice!
[Moderator: this comment was off-topic. It was moved to its own topic. Read it here.]
Ooops! Thank you, Steve. I saw a list of web services somewhere (if I remember well, e.g. user.register, user.friend.add, group. join etc.), but it's true that they were deprecated. So later they were removed? Isn't it possible to find a collection of such basic methods somewhere? Or a common example like a skeleton to learn how to write what's needed? (Or isn't it the "system.api.list" just such a frame, so I should see its code?)
Thank you again..
There are some plugins here and on github. I would recommend requiring API authentication for all methods. Last time I used one of thesw plugins I discovered that it can be used as a spamming vector, anyone could register a user via API and then spam the site using a user token.
Ooops! May be some bad guy wanted to misuse OS for creating spamming tools from innocent victims? :( OK, Ismayil, I'll try to search for it.. Thank you..
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