Yes they're both equivalent, Dhrups way is just more graphical. What I typed out is the exact command, obviously replace "" and "path/to/blah" with the relevant information.
;-) weelll - i kinda likes that phrase 'more graphical', snds quasi-techno-artsy ;-oO
i was trying to phrase it in a simple-like way so din;t wanna make refs to any API stuff,
though yr code snippet is the'Elgg' way for same effect. the edit of the sqldump text file
is sorta up-in-yr-face and pretty stright-forward anyways - b/c one can *see
what's inside under those hoods that makes Elgg run.. and mostly takes lesser headache time..
hope GNyMa gets those images showing s-o-on ;-oP *and posts her steps for others
caught in the same 'missing images' chapter...
Matt & Dhrup, just an update to let you know that it worked perfectly! :) Thanks so much for both your time!
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