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  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic spam check plugin ignore certain users
    As I wrote the plugin, I should be able to answer this question :-) I currently have no spamming issue with my sites running 2.3.3 but I have built in a way to whitelist users. If you run the spam check and users are listed it should be possible to... view reply
  • Gerard commented on the plugin Webcam
    That error occurs when the plugin cannot read the webcam. This can have several causes: - The webcam is otherwise engaged in another program or browser - The computer cannot access the webcam - There is no webcam, I guess that is not the...
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic the idea of changing the licensing options for elgg
    To sum it up, I think Elgg is a user friendly but developer unfriendly (sort of a) framework. view reply
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic the idea of changing the licensing options for elgg
    Elgg is too much trying to reinvent the wheel again. There are so much frameworks that could do the heavy lifting so Elgg could focus on being a social network engine instead of trying to build upon a programming language as php from the ground up... view reply
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic the idea of changing the licensing options for elgg
    I also do not think a commercial license will help. New parties will move to alternatives, existing commercial parties either fork and branch of or stop contributing at all. Maybe some will pay and contribute but do not think many.I asked if our... view reply
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic I quit the core team, here is why
    Those two statements are in total contradiction with each other. The first advocates that companies or devs should contribute with a commercial intent, the second advocate a total lack of contribution because of personal financial interest. I... view reply
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic I quit the core team, here is why
    Not entirely true, but I get your point. You do have to understand that companies like ours have to pay our developers and therefore it is not free for us to contribute, as for an individual spending his free time just because he is doing what he... view reply
  • Gerard replied on the discussion topic I quit the core team, here is why
    Sad indeed, but following your opinions and decisions over the years it seems like it was meant to happen. I wonder what the core team (as I understand is now one person, is that Juho or Steve ?) is planning with the project. We have some... view reply