I agree with you there is definitely room for improvement, but this is a solid start. I think with a little collaboration the wave plugin would be a great addition to any group. Especially if it could be edited from Elgg without the user having to create a google wave login.
Your thoughts?
Hi Workpeeps,
Yes, that sounds like a good idea. My other concern, is the data. Inside elgg, all the data is easily backed up. But i haven't seen this in google wave. I think the best application for google wave inside elgg would be a forum, or group discussions. What to you see as possible applications?
With Love,
Uddhava dāsa
Well well!
Guess what? My prediction failed.Today Google announced, that google wave pretty much failed:
Oh well. Missed in that one. This one will not fail: The western world will crash. Get ready for huge changes.
With Love,
Uddhava dāsa
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