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  • Gianni joined the group General Discussion
  • Gianni replied on the discussion topic Problem with DB Connection
    I have just tried with SQLDeveloper and the DB elgg is accessible. So there is something wrong in the settings file...please help!!!! view reply
  • Gianni replied on the discussion topic Problem with DB Connection
    I tried to grant all privilege on the user admin (also with MySql Server Access Management) but the issue is still Elgg couldn't select the database 'elgg', please check that the database is created and you have access to it. Any other ideas... view reply
  • Gianni replied on the discussion topic Problem with DB Connection
    I changed it, I dropped the user admin and re-created it in this way CREATE USER 'admin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'admin'; now I have another issue Elgg couldn't select the database 'elgg', please check that the database is created and you have... view reply
  • Gianni replied on the discussion topic Problem with DB Connection
    Thanks Cash, I changed the grants with GRANT ALL ON elgg.* to admin; but the issue is still present. The file settings are correct ? I have to install MySQL in the same path of Elgg ? view reply
  • Gianni added a new discussion topic Problem with DB Connection in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hi all, Firt of all sorry for my english, I hope to be clear.I need your help, I'm trying to create a social network with Elgg in local and I have problems with the connection with the DB. When I installed the following message"Elgg could not...
    • @sugarplum:sorry we didnt understand that. the settings.php page should look like below

       * The database username
       * @global string $CONFIG->dbuser
       * @name $CONFIG->dbuser
      $CONFIG->dbuser = 'username';

       * The database password
       * @global string $CONFIG->dbpass
      $CONFIG->dbpass = 'password';

       * The database name
       * @global string $CONFIG->dbname
      $CONFIG->dbname = 'database_name';

       * The database host.
       * For most installations, this is 'localhost'
       * @global string $CONFIG->dbhost
      $CONFIG->dbhost = 'localhost';

       * The database prefix
       * This prefix will be appended to all Elgg tables.  If you're sharing
       * a database with other applications, use a database prefix to namespace tables
       * in order to avoid table name collisions.
       * @global string $CONFIG->dbprefix
      $CONFIG->dbprefix = 'prefix_';

    • I have that experience as you guys mentioned above:

      Fatal Error.
      Elgg couldn't connect to the database using the given credentials. Check the settings file.

      I don't know why I experience it because I haven't done any changes since it was running with no error. The error appeared only after I have a few people signing in to my site with their Facebook accounts that I have installed Facebook API mod.

      I was a bit nervous and run upgrade.php then the error disappeared. But I'm concern about this error will come up again anytime soon or often. It would be greatly appreciated if anyone could advice about further information on that error and how to fix it.

      Thank you.

    • May be its a temporary error happened when your server went down. If elgg could not connect to DB, you wont be able to run upgrade.php. So it is obvious that the error got fixed before you hit upgrade.php

  • Gianni joined the group Italian Community Group
  • Gianni joined the group Elgg Technical Support