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  • FoZi replied on the discussion topic Ecompanies and Ejobs plugins
    Hi guys... well, actually i just did that post after contacting the developer (he was the first one i've talked to) and i've posted the message here due to a suggestion of him ;) Anyway if someone could share it i would appreciate ;) Tks view reply
  • FoZi added a new discussion topic Ecompanies and Ejobs plugins in the group Plugin Development
    Hi there I'm trying to find out some plugins to help me with my elgg website (a social network similar to linkedin) and i've found 2 great...
    • I sincerely hope that these are the last few words on this sensitive topic. The likes of IHhayredinov, Mike Vazco, Kevin Jardine, Brett Profitt, Jerome Dalsem, at al at al have done so much brilliant work. I reckon that (apart from Kevin J) I gotta be the oldest, most experienced in the world of Computing Science within the Elgg community, having coded my first program in in 1972, studied hard-core college Comp Sci Bachelors, Masters and Business Degrees.

      These people just named are pretty brilliant at what they have done and are doing with Elgg. I knows so b/c I have seen this IT stuff for almost 1/2 a century. Sometimes inexperienced bozo-like young'uns of the ilke of Joriga will come out of nowhere, never having posted anything on Elgg Comm, never having publically coded single line of PHP code for the Elgg Comm and basically open sensitive topics, cut wounds and generally hurt the good nature of all the good development people on Elgg Core Team and PlugIns authors in the name of "businessmanship critique".

      Why do the Elgg Admins let him who has not coped a single line in PHP nor in English cast the stones ? He was just looking for a fight like any other lay-about.

      Please people and I hope the Admin(s) close this topic. Enough people have been hurt.

      I will open up my true business **consortium sometime soon for Elgg work as well as other popular platforms. I hope to see active developers find that site, join , talk, code, and generally make clients happy so that the GPL freebies can also keep flowing for the "common good".


    • I support the notion of closing down this discussion, as well as urge the admins to eliminate such discussions in the future. I think everything has been said, and there is very little to discuss. I do think the admins should distinguish between contributors and leeches, and not allow for such discussions or hints thereof to be take place.

      These past few weeks cost me a lot of energy and nerves, and every time I come to check my messages on this community, I get utterly pissed off. I assume that's not one of the prerequisites for an open source community.

    • Agreed. This discussion has outlived its usefulness and is encouraging a hostile environment. ihayredinov said he has no issue with people sharing his old releases, so if someone can help FoZi out I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

      Thread closed.

  • FoZi joined the group Plugin Development