
  • adayth replied on the discussion topic Problem: FILESTORE::DIR_ROOT: how change it for all?
    I used this query succesfully to update the path of the filestore. I don't know how this path change wasn't taken into account. Maybe is a problem with old Filestore code? view reply
  • adayth has a new avatar
  • adayth replied on the discussion topic jquery + ajax problems in elgg 1.8
    Thank you for your response. I investigated this issue a few more following your advises. The function that generates the JSON response is a page handler, so the end of this function is: echo json_encode($json); If I put after this echo... view reply
  • adayth added a new discussion topic jquery + ajax problems in elgg 1.8 in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I noticed a problem about jquery + ajax in elgg 1.8. I'm trying to load using ajax a captcha. $(document).ready(function(){         $.ajax({             url:...
    • Try using elgg.ajax instead of $.ajax

      in http://urlpetition, do



      Set what that does

    • Thank you for your response. I investigated this issue a few more following your advises.

      The function that generates the JSON response is a page handler, so the end of this function is:

      echo json_encode($json);

      If I put after this echo forward(REFERER), I receive in the second install my json encoded object plus a rendered page with an error message (forward after headers sent). In my first install I receive again this type of response:

      {"output":{"success":true,"q":"14 menos 12"},"status":0,"system_messages":{"error":[],"success":[]}}

      But if I put after this echo die(), I just only receive my json encoded object.

      I know that this should be implemented in an action instead of a page handler, but I think that could be a bug of upgrading from 1.7.X to 1.8.1.

    • Make sure your page handler has return true;

  • adayth joined the group Plugin Development
  • adayth joined the group iZAP plugins discussion
  • adayth added a new discussion topic externalpages 'front' page in the group Feedback and Planning
    In elgg 1.7 we usually used 'front' externalpage to show information about the site. In elgg 1.8 support for 'front' externalpage was removed and I don't know what is the reason of this change. I think that is really useful.
  • adayth replied on the discussion topic Access level from current page
    I noticed a similar "fail" about the always present sidebar RSS feed button. For example, if I link the RSS feed to blog posts of foo user and these posts doesn't have public access level, elgg shows an access error when triying to use this link in... view reply


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