Hammy Havoc

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  • Hammy Havoc replied on the discussion topic Elgg iphone theme status
    So on the latest release of Themer, is there any way to stop it over-riding your default theme? I want it to only show up when accessed by an iPhone, I'm probably missing something simple; it is 5am afterall. view reply
  • Hammy Havoc added a new discussion topic Just came to reinstall and cannot? Fatal Error! in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Howdy, I've been installing and uninstalling the latest version a lot due to my alpha testing within my shopping cart, I have deleted and created new databases each time and zero'd the sectors that the files were in to ensure a clean install. Yet...
  • Hammy Havoc added a new discussion topic Question about tiled backgrounds in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Howdy, Okay, so I'm feeling like a bit of a noob at the moment, I have just come back to Elgg after almost a year of focussing around my online store and now I want to give more content to my users and allow them to interact with each...
    • Are you using the default theme? If you aren't using the default theme you will need to go into the theme that you are using and change the css in there. If you are using the default theme then it could be another module changing the background. In elgg you can override a themes css in a module. So if you have a module enabled that changes any css you will have to find out which module is changing the css and then make your changes there.

    • @ Hammy

      Does your bg image covers the whole page, or is it a bit that is to be repeated to fill?

      If the latter is the case you should use "repeat-x" to fill the background horizontally, or "repeat-y" for vertical filling. If you want it both ways, just use "repeat".

    • I overlooked the world "tiled".

      upload the image (say, bgimg.gif) to /_graphics. Go to views/default/css.php. Find

      body {


      Between the brackets, anywhere, add this:

      background:  url(<?php echo $vars['url']; ?>_graphics/bgimg.gif) left top repeat;

      Also see my note above if you need repeat only along the X or Y axis.



  • Hammy Havoc replied on the discussion topic Change Background Via CSS in the group Theme Development
    Howdy, Okay, so I'm feeling like a bit of a noob at the moment, I have just come back to Elgg after almost a year of focussing around my online store and now I want to give more content to my users and allow them to interact with each...
    • Unless you are just playing about, you should look at creating a theme - there are links from the elgg documentation page. If you have a theme, the mods/<theme>/views/default/css.php is the one to edit.

      Second, I think elgg is great, but it's themeing and CSS drives me nuts. You will find elements styled in multiple places and there is no real consistancy - there is no generic 'button' class, for example, to define how a submit or button styled link should look.

      The Firefox extension Firebug will let you 'Inspect' elements to see what styles have been applied - then you just need to find which css file contains the style.

    • Thank you for your reply (:

      I've been looking into it, Firebug works excellently as does exactly what I wanted, I'm partway through creating a theme as well.

      Elgg is very good, just a pity about the way it is in parts.

    • Also, you can use 'inspect element' in Chrome for identifying your css styles

  • Hammy Havoc added a new discussion topic Change Background Via CSS in the group Theme Development
    Howdy, Okay, so I'm feeling like a bit of a noob at the moment, I have just come back to Elgg after almost a year of focussing around my online store and now I want to give more content to my users and allow them to interact with each...
    • Unless you are just playing about, you should look at creating a theme - there are links from the elgg documentation page. If you have a theme, the mods/<theme>/views/default/css.php is the one to edit.

      Second, I think elgg is great, but it's themeing and CSS drives me nuts. You will find elements styled in multiple places and there is no real consistancy - there is no generic 'button' class, for example, to define how a submit or button styled link should look.

      The Firefox extension Firebug will let you 'Inspect' elements to see what styles have been applied - then you just need to find which css file contains the style.

    • Thank you for your reply (:

      I've been looking into it, Firebug works excellently as does exactly what I wanted, I'm partway through creating a theme as well.

      Elgg is very good, just a pity about the way it is in parts.

    • Also, you can use 'inspect element' in Chrome for identifying your css styles