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  • ex19 added a new discussion topic hacker spam in the group Elgg Technical Support
    just realized have thousands of people who spammed my site and want to delete them all together. No option? even trying to delete one of them has lead me to their website, which means they used the username field as a url. Bummer, this is an...
    • @ex19 - i am academically technically curious and interested in studying your problem. if you want to let me study your database to see how the spamming was done to make it difficult to delete. send me a pm if interested...

    • One of the first things I did was override the registration to require that the username field only contain alphanumeric characters (and a few other requirements, like passwords being 6 or more characters, username must be at least 3, things like that). There really isn't any sanity check as it stands. 

      On your current problem, you don't have to actually go to the user's profile page to delete them. On the member list page, there's a little triangle that appears on the profile icons and it gives you a popup menu of actions you can take, one of which is to delete the user. All the admin options are in red.

      As for deleting a group of users, is there something they all have in common that you could search on, say by using some of the elgg_get_entity routines? If you can get an array of the user guids, then do something like on each one:

      $entity = get_entity($guid);

      if (($entity) && ($entity->canEdit())) {

      if ($entity->delete()) { // success on delete

  • ex19 joined the group Elgg Technical Support
  • ex19 added a new discussion topic Elgg User Guide FAQ Help Pages etc. in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I was trying to write a user guide for people who come to the community on how to do things. How to make a blog, how to find friends, how to this and that. Does anything already exist on anyone else's site? or here? Thanks  
  • ex19 replied on the discussion topic Elgg Spam
    Ahh, I see. Hmmm.So it's a cat and mouse thing? view reply
  • ex19 added a new discussion topic Internet Explorer 8 can't see community in the group Elgg Technical Support
    i have two sites testing elgg. Both are on the same host. One does not allow view in IE8. The other one is fine. Nothing is really different. I put it into compatibilitty view. not working. I did see some FS token or something roll by in red. Can't...
  • ex19 added a new discussion topic Default Widgets in the group Elgg Technical Support
    I can't figure out how to get the default dashboard and default profile to work. It is at the bottom of my set but nothing changes on a users dashboard. Does it still work? is there something I might be missing?    
  • ex19 replied on the discussion topic Elgg Spam
    I could only find big brother. Those other ones must be in development huh? view reply
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