@ dom, I just took a quick look at the website that you provided here in the discussion and realized that the demo site might have used this template on their elgg custom index page http://w3layouts.com/hostcompare-cloud-hosting-flat-responsive-mobile-website-template
Second, the rest of the elgg site pages used another theme to control the site. The front part of the http://demo.keetup.com/activity#section_1 is not hard to do. I think making the front page can take a few minutes to accomplish and then the other part of the theme that controls the demo elgg site can be accomplished by themes like https://community.elgg.org/plugins/2204068
in the past i have used these templates to make the custom index page for elgg.
Hope this helps
Was just asked the same by PM yesterday...
Using the linked plugin and adjusting the code of the suppress_river_entries() function to
function suppress_river_entries($hook, $type, $value, $params) {
$action_type = $value['action_type'];
$view = $value['view'];
if (($action_type == 'comment') && ($view == 'river/object/comment/create')) {
return false;
will stop the river entries on new comments getting created.
Code is intended for Elgg 1.9 or newer.
Security issues should be reported to security@elgg.org!
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