Search the community before you ask questions. If you want to do it with out any effort, then there are ready to use plugins available like login_redirector. Even if you want to do it yourself, searching for "redirect on login" will return a lot of search results on how to do it yourself with coding.
@Webinfotech WTF?
The Widget Manager plugin and (optionally) the Homepage CMS plugin additionally allow for configuration of an index page (and separate page for users not logged in). The resulting page will be widget based. You can add index page widgets to other plugins that the Widget Manager plugin will be able to add to the index page then. Whenever suitable I've already added such index page widgets to the plugins I've released (e.g. Tidypics, iZAP Videos, Polls, News etc.).
If you want to define the layout of your index page / login page completely free, you need to work directly on the code. The bundled custom_index plugin can be used as a starting point. For example the Loginrequired plugin adds an index page for logged-out visitors following the same pattern as the custom_index plugin regarding the structure of the code. As the idea of the Loginrequired plugin is to hide the content from users not-logged in its index page consists only of the login widget on purpose. But it would be very easy to add addtional widgets (taking the custom_index plugin as an example of how to do it) or setting up the index page freely using html/php/JS code.
Hi IIonly,
could you please help me with this concept as to how to code it and where to apply this im also planning to create a static page for my users both when logged in and when logged out...ur affability will be highly appreciated
I second the recommendation for Widget Manager. It gives you a ton of control to build a decent layout very quickly.
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