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  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic Registration spam (again)
    i would suggest to close or turn off the new user register service and leave a note or blog to say if you would like to be come a member is email you or the admin team, and you make the new user account manually, i know a little more work but it... view reply
  • ok everyone  i have now got elgg 4.3.4 installed. changed some settings last night , all went fine, was able to leave a blog post to update everyone,   now since last night i have been getting a error page when i hit the save...
  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic 500 error received
    ok all  the old version we was using some groups still are at the moment, but they was using php 5 but i didnt notice the hosting had php versions from 4 to 9   i done a upgrade   , with adding a subdomain path for... view reply
  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic 500 error received
    ok the groups was running for a while, and now today i am back to square 1 today after fixing some issues where the whole website went down will didnt go down just didnt shwo the website just the index pages, now fixed that and the groups was... view reply
  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic 500 error received
    6 days trying to figure this out and i am still lost, everything looks fine on the files, permissions are ok any other ideas? view reply
  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic 500 error received
    also i been able to get some errors, which i am confused about,   i have tried repairing the databases etc and so on.  still no luck any help would be useful   view reply
  • darkdaz replied on the discussion topic 500 error received
    silly question where will i find them, the hosting 4u hosting . does that cpanel have log section for php? view reply
  • darkdaz added a new discussion topic 500 error received in the group Elgg Technical Support
    hello everyone i need help i had the same error before but i replaced the htaccess file to the original and it fixed it, i done the same again and i am still getting the same error, i have 4 members groups and one out of four are working can...
    • Since you're using Elgg 1.12 it's very hard for us to offer support as that version has been out of support for over 3 years. See

      I can't remember all the things that go into supporting 1.12.

      It's definitely time to upgrade to a newer version.

      Sorry I can't be more helpfull.

    • Elgg 1.12 is not compatible with PHP 7. Period!

      Maybe you have been lucky that it worked for some reason with PHP 7 for whatever reason or maybe the server was running on PHP 5 up until recently.

      Elgg 2.3 is the first Elgg version workin on PHP 7. It should be possible to upgrade Elgg core directly from Elgg 1.12 to 2.3. But you would require compatible version of you 3rd party plugins that work with Elgg 2.3 or you would have to go on without these 3rd party plugins not updated for Elgg 2.

      You should get in contact with the support of your webhoster asking them about what to do to downgrade to PHP 5 again. We can't help you with that. You should also ask them where to find the server logs. We can't help you with that either because they might be at different locations on different hosters/server installations.

      Speaking in general, to disable plugins temporarily without access to the admin section of your site you can create a file that you name "disabled" in the mod folder of your Elgg installation. Only the name of the file is important not the content. With this file present Elgg does not load the plugins (bundled and 3rd party). They are not shown as deactivated in the plugin list but you could do that yourself if you have access to the admin area again. Removing the disabled file results in Elgg loading the plugins again (except those you might have deactivated in the meantime). But this probably won't help you here with the wrong PHP version causing the problem in the first place probably also with Elgg core alone.

    • ok all 

      the old version we was using some groups still are at the moment, but they was using php 5

      but i didnt notice the hosting had php versions from 4 to 9


      i done a upgrade   , with adding a subdomain path for the update, and selecting that subdomain to use php 7.4. and the others on 5.


      i tried to removing the old version but the new version is still seeing the old data or using the old version but with its new coding, so when i say renamed the old version path, the photos on the new version didnt show , as soon i resumed the old name on the old version the images came back. i have edited the database config, to include the new version, but there still a few configs i need to do 


      and yes i have been making backups..

      its working right now


      but extending my thanks to those that have helpped or just gave me advise , thanks everyone