Very likely the Emailplus plugin is not fully compatible with Elgg 2 yet. While I see that around line 255 there's some indication of support for Elgg 2 the error seems to be caused by the necessary Elgg 2 message class not being available.
It might help to add a line
use Zend\Mail\Message;
at the top of the file emailplus/lib/emailplus.php. But without using and testing this myself I can't say for sure. And there might be other issues with using the Emailplugin plugin on Elgg 2. Maybe it helps to notify the plugin developer about the issue and ask for help / an updated version.
Thank you for your reply
Make sure your PHP environment can send mail (Google and StackOverflow can help here). On the other end, ask the recipient to check his/her spam folder.
I have got the same problem. My guess: One has to install DKIM and SPF to validate, look also:
without DKIM (DMARC) And SPF many email hosts will either reject or junk any mails you send, yes. ideally you also need to test whether your server is actually sending any mails at all. how you check that will depend on whether you are running your own email server or not.
Did you these recommendations?
I thank RvR flush the caches but continues all the same, the migration of the product is correct then you can appreciate entering:
?thank you very much Daniel
Daniel, You can find out about upgrading Elgg in the documentation here.
First and most important; back up everything!
I did upgrade from 1.9.8 to 1.10 and it went fairly smoothly. A couple of tips I can give you is:
If you are using any plugins in addition to the core ones, download the latest plugins for the version you are upgrading to. A lot of the plugins that work with 1.9 also work with 1.10.
Deactivate any existing plugins. Old plugins you are replacing, delete the current folders and upload the updated plugins for the current version. I also always flush the cache.
Activate the new plugins one at a time and deal with any issues if there are any.
Do not skip Elgg 1.9. Upgrade first to the latest 1.9.x version and after that proceed to latest 1.10.x.
Security issues should be reported to!
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