if i add this to htaccess.dist will it fix the problme of the error messgae logging in from a differet domain is not permitted. ?
found this too:
so how do we fix this problem? please be basic : )
were do i add the code the top the bottom the middle?
También tuve este problema que tenía que acceder dos veces al login por eso puse un simple contador con una session php en el index.php para que refresque la web.
* Elgg index page for web-based applications
* @package Elgg
* @subpackage Core
* Start the Elgg engine
//die(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php");
header("Location: http://www.dominio.com/");
if i add this to htaccess.dist will it fix the problme of the error messgae logging in from a differet domain is not permitted. ?
found this too:
so how do we fix this problem? please be basic : )
were do i add the code the top the bottom the middle?
También tuve este problema que tenía que acceder dos veces al login por eso puse un simple contador con una session php en el index.php para que refresque la web.
* Elgg index page for web-based applications
* @package Elgg
* @subpackage Core
* Start the Elgg engine
//die(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php");
require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php");
header("Location: http://www.dominio.com/");
lol IE parses the web page rightly that is what we hate as developers :)!!!
Well i have solved that issue it was a CSS issue which was very easy.
Of course it was a css... all the div float properties and positions and z-index attributes are all in the css.. did you have to put a IE7 fix in your css file?
no actually i have to add one clear tag in the HTML of the file
lol IE parses the web page rightly that is what we hate as developers :)!!!
Well i have solved that issue it was a CSS issue which was very easy.
Of course it was a css... all the div float properties and positions and z-index attributes are all in the css.. did you have to put a IE7 fix in your css file?
no actually i have to add one clear tag in the HTML of the file
lol IE parses the web page rightly that is what we hate as developers :)!!!
Well i have solved that issue it was a CSS issue which was very easy.
Of course it was a css... all the div float properties and positions and z-index attributes are all in the css.. did you have to put a IE7 fix in your css file?
no actually i have to add one clear tag in the HTML of the file
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Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by RaĆ¼l Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.