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  • Javier added a new discussion topic NC - Elgg integrations in the group Professional Services
    Hello, I´m Javier from INEX.SITE (https://inex.site/) I work with Elgg 2.3 and I need these integrations:   - Confluence: Single Sign On, so that the user can access the application from Elgg without the need for a second...
  • Javier replied on the discussion topic Hype Wall
    I think you must install hypeLists plugin: https://github.com/hypeJunction/hypeLists view reply
  • Javier replied on the discussion topic Geolocation input
    I´ve achieved it with this plugin: https://github.com/nlybe/Elgg-MapsAPI. You can replace location input by input/location_autocomplete view reply
  • Javier joined the group Plugin Development
  • Javier replied on the discussion topic ElggBook Pro MIssing Dependencies
    Maybe you must do a $ composer update into the plugin path. view reply
  • Javier commented on the plugin Profile Manager
    @iionly I´ve continued looking for the origin of the problem, and I see the language file cached is wrong. If you search for a profile language raw string, you find the translation is wrong, for example: File:...
  • Javier commented on the plugin Profile Manager
    @iionly I obtain the last part of the raw language string, like "contactemail", "briefdescription" or "skills". As I´ve read in the issue su posted, the problem is the same you have with German.  
  • Javier commented on the plugin Profile Manager
    Spanish translations doesn´t work with system cache enabled. Default profile fields are not traslated (core translations), for example skills, location, mobile... With others languajes it works. I tested Profile Manager v10, c10.2, v11 and...

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