The problem is with domain name / IP address resolvement. On the computer you have Elgg installed "localhost" means the machine Elgg is running on. If you try to access Elgg from another computer it fails to find the CSS config files, graphics etc. because the files' location can't get resolved. On the other machine "localhost" means the other machine and not your Elgg server. If you try to access the site directly via IP address you might get to index page but Elgg will try to resolve other pages via domain name ("localhost") nonetheless.
Best would be to install Elgg using a domain name (even a fictional one) and then include this domain name into the server's hosts file. You will need to include the domain name = IP address also in the hosts file of other machines you want to access you Elgg site from.
On a real server with a real domain name everything will work without these steps as this domain can be resolved via nameserver.
But i´ve a domain. When i call it, from internet i do, but the problem persist
Have you installed Elgg using this domain as site url?
Hola caracartucho,
Yo creo que cuando instales tu plataforma, en lugar de indicarle a Elgg que la dirección es algo como:
Debes colocar la dirección IP local de tu equipo (la asignada en tu red local):
(este es un ejemplo, esta IP no existe)
Si usas el sistema Windows, puedes conocerla a través del comando de MS-DOS "ipconfig".
Al respecto revisa esto.
Sólo que no te vayas a confundir porque la referencia citada muestra tu IP pública (la que sale a Internet), esa no la uses; por fuerza usa el comando "ipconfig".
Por otra parte, si ya instalaste tu red y quieres aprovechar lo ya hecho, me parece que tendrías que cambiar la IP en la base de datos de Elgg (tabla 'sites_entity').
Esto último lo puedes hacer a través de una herramienta como "phpMyAdmin".
Si tu plataforma está en producción, primero respalda tu plataforma completa (base de datos, carpeta Elgg, carpeta de datos) y primero has pruebas en un servidor configurado para tal fin.
Security issues should be reported to!
©2014 the Elgg Foundation
Elgg is a registered trademark of Thematic Networks.
Cover image by Raül Utrera is used under Creative Commons license.
Icons by Flaticon and FontAwesome.