i have got this too and i have no idea what's going on..
Shillo - this is what i have got
<!-- canvas -->
<div id="layout_canvas">
<!-- left sidebar -->
<div id="two_column_left_sidebar">
<div id="login-box">
<h2>Log in</h2>
<form action="http://localhost/freemeditate15/action/login" method="POST" >
<input type="hidden" name="__elgg_token" value="171100738120d310224870f0369c4651" /> <input type="hidden" name="__elgg_ts" value="1247993448" /> <p class="loginbox"><label>Username<br /></label><br /><label>Password<br />
<input type="password" name="password" value="" class="login-textarea" /> </label><br /><input name="" type="submit" class="submit_button" value="Log in" /> <div id="persistent_login"><label><input type="checkbox" name="persistent" value="true" />Remember me</label></div></p><p class="loginbox"><a href="http://localhost/freemeditate15/account/register.php">Register</a> | <a href="http://localhost/freemeditate15/account/forgotten_password.php">Lost password</a></p></form>
</div><!-- /two_column_left_sidebar -->
<!-- main content -->
<div id="two_column_left_sidebar_maincontent">
<div id="content_area_user_title"><h2>Latest activity</h2></div>
</div><!-- /two_column_left_sidebar_maincontent -->
<div class="clearfloat"></div>
</div><!-- /#layout_canvas -->
@ sunirmalya
That looks like your login page source. The discussion is about the Resitration page. :)
yes i am sorry you are right - mine is at the first admin registration after the build..
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