Hi guys,
Well we have created nginx + elgg + mysql (primariy data source) + ElasticSearch cluster(secondary datasource) + Mustache. ElasticSearch has flexible document structure, So it really fit to elgg EAV model. I have experimented over elasticsearch via elgg. Entities pulling is around 10000 / second. And we have imported 400K entities in our database.
@Vazco: We have tried to cache mustach templates in js files itself. once loaded on the client get cached over there. And than there is even no more call to web server evan.
izap, I used bad wording. Of course our mustache views also are cached on client's side in js, this is how mustache should be used. Data for those views is however cached in REDIS. You have to get data from server for dynamic pages, this is where REDIS helps.
Regarding search - Elastic search is quite good solution, however also quite complex. We used simplier solution, at first basing at this idea. It worked for us very well for a website with 160k users and search by 8 parameters. The modifications which will allow to put this richer solution to core Elgg I believe are waiting in github to be accepted.
[Moderator: this comment was off-topic. It was moved to its own topic. Read it here.]
google has your answer ;-) they own the jquery cdn!
Just use this in your HTML:
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.8.0/jquery.min.js">
webgalli gave the correct answer for 1.8
unregister the local versions, register libraries for the cdn versions, call elgg_load_js to include your cdn libraries.
This is an old post but Elgg 1.8.13 at least seems to support memcache quite well. I've noticed a decent difference with it in place although I also went from php 5.2.x to php 5.3.x at the same time. I would say the difference is at least 2x more efficient for me with a simple 128M memcache (will have to experiment with size). Instructions are here: http://docs.elgg.org/wiki/Memcache Where you see "server1" is where you can put your server or perhaps localhost. 11211 is the port.
I should mention that I already had varnish implemented with a 60-75% hit rate as well.
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