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  • ahr is now a friend with Pedro Prez
  • ahr is now a friend with Aaron Saray
  • ahr replied on the discussion topic Odd Group Problem in the group Elgg Technical Support
    On my elgg install I am running 1.5 All standard code This morning I went to one of my groups - Clicked on Group Discussion and got a blank Page This was a 1st.  Decided to do some checking I have a total of 10 groups on my install 9 of...
    • I would delete all annotations owned by the deleted user in the annotation table.

      Of course, if you don't happen to know the user guid for the deleted user, then you would need to write some slightly fancy SQL involving a NOT IN subquery I expect.

      Something like:

      SELECT * FROM elgg_annotations WHERE owner_guid > 1 AND owner_guid NOT IN (SELECT guid FROM elgg_users_entity);

      should give you the bad annotations in phpMyAdmin.

      So far as I know, only user entities and sites can own annotations.

      But as always, back up your database before trying this kind of surgery!

    • OK so the bug or whatever you want to call it is fixed

      Is there a patch for us pour souls that got caught in it's web to fix our databases

      or is there a way to sort this out, as in, is there an upgrade option or any guidance to tell us how to fix it

      I'm not really sure where to go from here

      Any guidance or sugestions would be appreciated.


    • May be a better developed GUI in the administration CP (control panel) will list a particular user and his activity on elgg with the options to delete such activity. In case of blog or forum posts/annotations, the admin will sometimes choose not to delete but change the user to something general like "Former Site User" (FSU). Furthermore, this FSU can be investigated to see if content is proper. Inventory list of the FSU should be displayed based on activity dates and action location with the option to delete such activity.

      Everything it is possible - we just don't have it yet.


  • ahr replied on the discussion topic Developing plugins for money - advantages and disadvantages in the group Plugin Development
    trademark You can find original discussion here: http://community.elgg.org/pg/pages/view/87301/   Just to follow on my comment re the front page commercial mod and charging for mods to be used on  open source platforms. If you...
    • Hi, my name is Michael King.

      I'm the guy that originally coded the Myspace Content Grab class. I've seen a lot of negative comments aimed at Dhrup about how he's used my class.

      I'm not sure how too take it, personally I find it insulting.
      Firstly, I want to thank Dhrup for using my class.
      Secondly, I want to thank him again for keeping the copyrights there.
      Thirdly, I put it on PHP Classes to get used, whats with the complaints?

      At the end of the day, I've given Dhrup my blessing to continue coding.
      And if anyone has any complaints, email me at my googlemail account. 
      (check copyright for address)

    • I really think this boils down to just a few small issues, people don't read, don't understand, and/or don't care, about how the licensing systems work.  If everyone did, the ONLY bitching here, would come from the people who want EVERYTHING for free.  Just my opinion.

    • I think this issue has been discussed in most opensource community. To avoid all the mis-understanding It will be better if use elgg dot org only for free stuff and provide other as the commercial site. Developer who provide a free stuff will get help from the users for test, to find bugs, feed back etc. to improve their commercial version.

      The developers have the freedom if they want to get paid for their commercial version, as long as they also keep all previous credits in their source code.

      To make it it simple just mentioned that stuff is a free version rather than say it is not for production and have to pay full version for the production site.

      A free version with basic features but can be used for production site on the other hand will be a good promotion for the developers itself. Other dev also can use it to build their own rather code it from the scratch. Thats all the beauty of opensource concept.

      Just my 2c

  • ahr replied on the discussion topic Developing plugins for money - advantages and disadvantages in the group Plugin Development
    trademark You can find original discussion here: http://community.elgg.org/pg/pages/view/87301/   Just to follow on my comment re the front page commercial mod and charging for mods to be used on  open source platforms. If you...
    • Hi, my name is Michael King.

      I'm the guy that originally coded the Myspace Content Grab class. I've seen a lot of negative comments aimed at Dhrup about how he's used my class.

      I'm not sure how too take it, personally I find it insulting.
      Firstly, I want to thank Dhrup for using my class.
      Secondly, I want to thank him again for keeping the copyrights there.
      Thirdly, I put it on PHP Classes to get used, whats with the complaints?

      At the end of the day, I've given Dhrup my blessing to continue coding.
      And if anyone has any complaints, email me at my googlemail account. 
      (check copyright for address)

    • I really think this boils down to just a few small issues, people don't read, don't understand, and/or don't care, about how the licensing systems work.  If everyone did, the ONLY bitching here, would come from the people who want EVERYTHING for free.  Just my opinion.

    • I think this issue has been discussed in most opensource community. To avoid all the mis-understanding It will be better if use elgg dot org only for free stuff and provide other as the commercial site. Developer who provide a free stuff will get help from the users for test, to find bugs, feed back etc. to improve their commercial version.

      The developers have the freedom if they want to get paid for their commercial version, as long as they also keep all previous credits in their source code.

      To make it it simple just mentioned that stuff is a free version rather than say it is not for production and have to pay full version for the production site.

      A free version with basic features but can be used for production site on the other hand will be a good promotion for the developers itself. Other dev also can use it to build their own rather code it from the scratch. Thats all the beauty of opensource concept.

      Just my 2c

  • ahr joined the group Plugin Development
  • Here are my specs:GoDaddy shared Linux hostingMySQL 5.0PHP 5.0 Here are my steps:Have my domain name blah.com base out of xxx.com/sites/elgg/site/I copy the elgg files to my hosted server xxx.com/sites/elgg/site/I create the data folder...
    • I have the same problem - any hope for a fix

    • Upon completion of admin profile (could be any other user profile?)  seems that the default theme is working.  With this we can note that elgg needs at least one profile to work properly.

      Also it is wise while working on elgg configuration to have "Use simple cache" turned OFF from Site Administration.

    • For anybody that has this problem, MAKE SURE that in your login.php file, the action for the login form points to "action/login" and NOT "action/login.php." I had this problem and taking out the .php fixed it. Make sure you try this out if all else doesn't work.

  • Here are my specs:GoDaddy shared Linux hostingMySQL 5.0PHP 5.0 Here are my steps:Have my domain name blah.com base out of xxx.com/sites/elgg/site/I copy the elgg files to my hosted server xxx.com/sites/elgg/site/I create the data folder...
    • I have the same problem - any hope for a fix

    • Upon completion of admin profile (could be any other user profile?)  seems that the default theme is working.  With this we can note that elgg needs at least one profile to work properly.

      Also it is wise while working on elgg configuration to have "Use simple cache" turned OFF from Site Administration.

    • For anybody that has this problem, MAKE SURE that in your login.php file, the action for the login form points to "action/login" and NOT "action/login.php." I had this problem and taking out the .php fixed it. Make sure you try this out if all else doesn't work.

  • ahr joined the group Theme Development