No! Please, don't delete the "pg" part in the .htaccess file. These rewrite rules will ensure that for example old bookmarks to site content will still work. Elgg will handle this for you. It's only in the plugins code where "pg" should no longer be used in pagehandlers.
So, it's best to start by copying/renaming htaccess_dist again to .htaccess. Then look into the .htacess file. There you will find some lines with "RewriteBase". These are commented out by default. If you have installed Elgg into a subdirectory of your www document root folder on your server (for example in a subdirectory called "elgg") and then call your site with http://domain.url/elgg, you would add a line to the .htaccess file that looks like
RewriteBase /elgg/
You need to modify it according to your subdirectory name. Just make sure you add a "/" at the end. And don't include the full url or the path to the directory on your server but only the relative part starting from your document root folder (i.e. what follows after your domain name in the url).
Did you removed these folders before upgrading?
* _css
* account
* admin
* dashboard
* entities
* friends
* search (may interfere with the search plugin so definitely important to delete)
* settings
* simplecache
And did you also remove the views folder before upgrading, as specified in the elgg wiki?
Rodolfo Hernandez
Arvixe/Elgg Community Liaison
Amazingly, after renaming htaccess_dist
Everything working fine now.
My first sucessful upgrade.
I am still searching for the reason, which caused this. As it was only a test installation. and error occured 2 more times in earlier attempts.
Thanks a lot Iionly, you made my day.
@ Rjcalifornia, Yes i deleted all folders mentioned.
Problem seems to be solved.
You need to create a plugin as Team Webgalli said This needs a bit complicated code by setting an extra metadata on users
The problem is the redirection immediatelly after registration. By default the account needs to be activated first via the activation email before a new user can log in. So, you would need to automatically activate the accounts for the users to be able to log in immediatelly. Though I don't know if this would be wise regarding possible spam bot attacks.
The redirection after the login (once the account is activated) is possible using this plugin (available both for Elgg 1.7 and Elgg 1.8):
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