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  • WalterZ added a new discussion topic Groups inside groups ? in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Hello, is it possible to have cascaded groups ? In the moment it looks to me like a flat structure. Is it somehow possible to have cascaded groups, or at least subgroups inside a group, so that i get a two layer structure ?
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Issues after installing XMPP-client (pessek_chat)
    Regarding the websocket i got the following information from the ejabberd-guys: <If be "hitting something on my portal" you cause page reload in your webbrowser, then that is expected, this will cause browser to close any websocket... view reply
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Issues after installing XMPP-client (pessek_chat)
    Hermand, again let me say thank you ! You do really a brilliant job to make this thing running. I appreciate your help very much !!! view reply
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Issues after installing XMPP-client (pessek_chat)
    Hermand, i discoverd a new issue with the chat plugin (hope that i am not annoying). If i click inside the chat window onto the "refresh symbol" right next to the word Contacts, simply nothing happens. I would expect to see som action... view reply
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Plugin example "my_blog" still valid ?
    Of course not, just Elgg is not for non developers. Oh, I wasn't aware of that. If i had known that before ... probably my choice would have been a different. If you want ready-made solutions for your website, hire developers or look... view reply
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Plugin example "my_blog" still valid ?
    Thank you for pointing me to your skeleton plugin. Unfortunately this does not helpt me very much, as i also need explanations related to the code. If I transfer the skeleton to my system i get also "The page you are trying to view does not... view reply
  • WalterZ replied on the discussion topic Emails not being sent
    Hi, did you check whether mailgun accepts connections without TLS on port 25 ? I know a lot of mail services that don't accept this anymore ... view reply
  • WalterZ added a new discussion topic Plugin example "my_blog" still valid ? in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Yes, it's me again :) I try to learn how to generate a plugin for elgg and stumbled over the tutorial in Unfortunately i cant make this work. I copies 1:1 everything in the mentioned files...
    •  If I transfer the skeleton to my system i get also "The page you are trying to view does not exist or you do not have permissions to view it".

      So, it's a reason to check the R+W permisions as I've mentioned above.

      Is there any place where i can learn to implement a plugin for 3.X ?

      Create a repository at GitHub so we can check your code. We can't blindly guess what you did there.

      Is this Elgg thing an dying thing ?

      Of course not, just Elgg is not for non developers.

      So if you want to learn how to create plugins for Elgg, you will have to study other people's code and documentation (which is not outdated and works fine).

      If you want ready-made solutions for your website, hire developers or look for services for this.

    • Of course not, just Elgg is not for non developers.

      Oh, I wasn't aware of that. If i had known that before ... probably my choice would have been a different.

      If you want ready-made solutions for your website, hire developers or look for services for this.

      Good point, but as my site is for my school and my fromer classmates, my budget is exactly nothing.

    • Maybe consider my suggestion in the message I just sent regarding preferring Elgg 2 over Elgg 3 for now. There should be enough ready-to-use plugins available for free usable without experience in coding. For Elgg 3 the available plugins are more limited (though I hope to increase the number by adding compatible versions of my own plugin as soon as I get them done). When I started years ago with Elgg I had no development knowledge either and it worked for me to use existing plugins to get all functionality I had in mind. The number of active developers did decrease over years though (not point in not mentioning it as sad as it is). That's why I took over the maintenance of existing plugins since several years (with experience in coding increasing over time - and not being too difficult to learn either!).