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  • Beginning Developers

    Beginning Developers

    This space is for newcomers, who wish to build a new plugin or to customize an existing one to their liking


  • Vishwam added a new discussion topic Squarespace in the group Beginning Developers
    Hi everyone, I'm a teacher and trainer at and we really want to come off of facebook and have a beautiful Heart Forum on our website. We use squarespace to host and i'm trying to work out of there's a way...
    • I don't use Squarespace but I don't think they allow you to run other PHP applications on their platform. They're very restrictive so you'll have to get another hosting somewhere else. I don't recommend GoDaddy.

    • Hello @Vishwam!

      I dont care for GoDaddy as well and have little knowledge about Squarespace. I use 1and1 as my host and love them!