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  • Topol added a new discussion topic HTTPS SUPPORT in the group Elgg Technical Support
    Guys I don't know if you are facing this issue,  whenever I am trying to update my Ubuntu's apache server to HTTPS, my Elgg server crashes.... Did anyone face this. Is there any workaround.... Do I need to change settings...
  • Topol replied on the discussion topic Embedding Youtube Video in Wire
    I am getting the following error when I install thewirepro..... The Wirepro/Bootstrap must implement Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface I think it has to be updated to Version 5.1.... Or can I find some workaround by just implementing the... view reply
  • Topol added a new discussion topic Embedding Youtube Video in Wire in the group General Discussion
    Guys I am trying to understand embedding videos on the wire..... Now in the screenshot, you can see, that I was able to embed on the wire if I comment on someone's link, but if I directly publish the link, it does not...
    • This will not work because htmlawed.

      You must use custom plugins, e.g.: 1, 2

      My plugin allows to add iframe, audio, video in content and choose the denied attributes via settings.

    • I am getting the following error when I install thewirepro.....

      The Wirepro/Bootstrap must implement Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface

      I think it has to be updated to Version 5.1....

      Or can I find some workaround by just implementing the interface....or better wait for the update


      • Could not activate Thewirepro. Error: Thewirepro\Bootstrap must implement Elgg\PluginBootstrapInterface



      I have also installed elgg hooks....

      But can you guide me on how to allow youtube video in content...

      for it has two sections...

      Code and scripts in the header (before <body>)

      Code and scripts in the footer (before </body>)



      and then, this...Select HTML attributes to deny on inputs

      So what should I write to deny htmlwwed

    • Right, all the plugins I mentioned don't work for Elgg 5. I just wanted to show that you need some custom plugin.

      Elgg Hooks plugin is not for your case, but you can use it to insert iframes and media content, for example in blogs.

      Although oEmbed plugin also does this for some sites.

  • Topol replied on the discussion topic Elgg Free HTML Widget
    Are you sure that code is working for you... Its still giving me the same error...   Also it would be nice if the WireTools can do something like the oembed does, for youtube links... view reply
  • Topol replied on the discussion topic Elgg Free HTML Widget
    So it seems the Ckeditor was creating the problem..... So when I disabled the Ckeditor tag, the iframe was recognized, but I got the following issue where it refused to connect to the... view reply
  • Topol added a new discussion topic Elgg Free HTML Widget in the group Plugin Development
    I don't know if I am facing the problem, or someone else with the Free HTML widget, where I can't embed a code, nor can I put an iFrame code...... Is it not meant to display HTML codes...for whenever I write HTML code in the...
    • I am also having issues with CkEditor on oEmbed app, where I see if I share a video link in comment, it does nice embedding of the youtube video...
      But if I do that in a Blog, or if I do the same inside the Wire, with the Wire Tools plugin also installed - the embedding does not happen....
      Do I need to place the apps in certain configuration for this to work...  
      If the editor converts a pasted link to a clickable link then the oembed will not work. Make sure that you remove the link in the editor so it's only text and not clickable.
    • Are you sure that code is working for you...

      Its still giving me the same error...


      Also it would be nice if the WireTools can do something like the oembed does, for youtube links...

    • Are you sure that code is working for you...

      Its still giving me the same error...

      No it's not working for mee in Firefox, because of the rules of w3schools

      Content-Security-Policy: The page's settings have blocked the loading of a resource (frame-ancestors) on <unknown> because it conflicts with the following directive: 'frame-ancestors 'self' https://mycourses'
  • Topol replied on the discussion topic Designing a Plugin with Bootstrap Class
    You see, I followed the Developers plugin, but could not understand how it was routing and registering it in the menu..... Please clarify this setup, for my routing, I need to put my php files in the following... view reply
  • Topol replied on the discussion topic Designing a Plugin with Bootstrap Class
    What I really meant to ask was that when I do the following steps, its working..., i can route it....   But I wanted to ask whether I could route the same from the... view reply