
  • Teo replied on the discussion topic NC location based elgg
    Thanks to the people that replied, but I think I was not clear enough on my needs. I try to explain better: when you login you should be redirect to profile/edit page where you must fill the compulsory fields (at least Name, Surname, Email... view reply
  • Teo added a new discussion topic NC location based elgg in the group Professional Services
    Hi all, I would like to create a location based elgg social network; the idea is that when you sign in you must insert your location and everything you can visualise, comment and do in it is inside a circle of x kilometres. For example: 1. I can...
    • Thanks to the people that replied, but I think I was not clear enough on my needs.

      I try to explain better:

      1. when you login you should be redirect to profile/edit page where you must fill the compulsory fields (at least Name, Surname, Email and Location). The location field should have the possibility to pin the address on a google map or at least use its autofill feature in order to grab a real address.
      2. When you login and complete your profile, there should be a verification step: e.g. if at least three people verify me I will have full access to the site, with the limits of point 4 below; or the admin can do it.
      3. I would like that everything is added to the site by the geolocated user has his same location: if he posts on a blog, on the wire, on the market, etc. every activity he made is anchored to his location. (I believe this approach is more consistent and straightforward than geolocalize each post)
      4. the site must be a walled-garden one, where the limit of the things a user can see or interact with should be around a given circle around him (i.e. 1km). So in order to use the site you must login, but everything you see is around 1km from you: for example, if I click on Activity, all I see is the activity around me, the same for the Market, Blog, Wire and all the other features elgg supports.

      I hope it is a bit clearer now. I am here for any comments or questions.

  • Teo joined the group Professional Services
  • Teo joined the group Feedback and Planning
  • Teo replied on the discussion topic Group centered elgg site
    At the beginning I will add the users manually to one of the groups and close the registration to groups, but in long-term I would like the users to register to one groups autonomously, maybe when the fill their profile. The problem with the menu... view reply
  • Teo replied on the discussion topic Group centered elgg site
    I try to explain better: i divide my site into closed groups, any user can join only one group and see all around the site only his group activity, discussions, bookmarks and so on. I tried to register the group site menu items, but I don't know... view reply
  • Teo added a new discussion topic Group centered elgg site in the group Elgg Technical Support
    How can I force users to join only one of the groups and then change the various site menu items to the ones referred to this user's group?
    • The Coldtrick's group_tools plugins allows for suggested groups upon registration and also (AFAIK) automatic group joining.

    • hmm, maybe the "roles" plugin (together with the profile_manager plugin?) allows for additional permission types that also effect what menu items can be seen? Never tried it though.

    • There is one solution that might closely resemble what you are trying to achieve. Create invisible groups and let group owners or members invite new users using group tools. It will send out a link and when the user registers with this link, he/she will be joining that group. Joining other groups is impossible since all groups are invisible.

  • Teo replied on the discussion topic Forward to a custom page after editing profile
    set_last_login($user_guid): Sets the last logon time of the given user to right now To me it seems it "sets" the login time, I want to see if it was set or not before... what am I missing? :-/ view reply


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