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  • Beginning Developers

    Beginning Developers

    This space is for newcomers, who wish to build a new plugin or to customize an existing one to their liking


  • Striver commented on a page titled Modifying the text on a PHP created webpage
    Wow big thanks iionly and Rohit Gupta! I have learnt the necessity of "Flushing the caches"! A great success! Regards, Striver
  • Striver commented on a page titled Modifying the text on a PHP created webpage
    Thanks for taking the time to reply, Rohit. "Once done editing, flush your cache and run an upgrade. I believe you missed that step)". So I flushed the browser cache (right?). Is there any other (Elgg related?) cache I should...
  • Striver commented on a page titled Modifying the text on a PHP created webpage
    Hi All once again! OK well I've managed to do what I was trying to do! However I do wonder if the manner I did it is "permissible" as good PHP! I went back to the "people.php" file in suggested-friends-extended which...
  • Striver commented on a page titled Modifying the text on a PHP created webpage
    Hi All again (and especially Jerome), Thanks for your advice but I am still failing to change a bit of text on my Elgg based social site. As I mentioned above I use the suggested-friends-extended plugin which produces the phrase "Common...
  • Hi All, I'm having success modifying the suggested-friends-extended plugin to suggest friends based on a rather novel concept (as a beginner I'm quite proud I've managed to make a small change to plugin PHP code! Whether anyone will...
    • I am not talking about the browser cache. I am talking about the elgg cache. The buttons that are available in your admin page.

    • The language strings are cached by Elgg if you have the caching options enabled on the advanced settings page in the admin area of your site. If you keep the caching options enabled while making changes you have to flush the cache (via correponding button on the admin dashboard page in the admin area of your site). Clicking the "Upgrade" button (or calling the upgrade.php script via address bar of the browser) when not having a new version of Elgg installed does not hurt as it would also only flush the cache in this case.

      You should make your changes in the language strings by modifying in language files in any case. Otherwise you will have major problems when upgrading to a newer Elgg version! You wouldn't have to make the changes in every single language file of Elgg and plugins. Instead of making the changes in the original language files you can add all language strings you want to change (and only these) in a new language file in a separate plugin. You can use the "Rename the wire" plugin ( as a starting point. This plugin will contain everything you need to have a working plugin. And then you can just alter the en.php language file it contains by adding the lines of language strings from other plugins' language file and then change the text to be displayed according to your needs. Just delete the lines already present (as an example) that you don't want to be changed. In the same way you can also add/delete language files for other languages (like de.php as an example for a German language file).

    • Wow big thanks iionly and Rohit Gupta!

      I have learnt the necessity of "Flushing the caches"!

      A great success!



  • Striver replied on the discussion topic Using Suggested Friends Extended with Profile Manage
    Thanks for taking the time to reply iionly. I'm using Elgg 2.3.10 so maybe Suggested Friends Extended is having problems! I really think that the only way I'm going to have success with my plan is to read my "Learning PHP, MySQL... view reply
  • Striver added a new discussion topic Using Suggested Friends Extended with Profile Manage in the group Beginning Developers
    Hi Everyone, Please can you experts give me some pointers to getting Suggested Friends Extended to work with Profile Manager? I've added e.g Politics (radio buttons Left,Right) as a Profile Field in Profile Manager and that seems to...
    • Firstly, which Elgg version are you using? The Suggested Friends Extended plugin has been released back in the days when Elgg 1.8 was the current version of Elgg. If you have no other more recent version of the plugin it might not fully work on Elgg 2.x without some code updates.

      As I see it in the code, the profile field names to be used for finding matching other users are hardcoded in the code of the Suggested Friends Extended plugin in several places starting in the plugin settings view and then also in the function where the DB queries are done to actually find suitable matches. If I'm not mistaken, it should be possible to use also profile fields added with the Profile Manager plugin when looking for suggestions. But you would have to customize the code of the Suggested Friends Extended plugin accordingly to also include the profile fields you have added in the search. To get it fully working I can only suggest to go over the whole code of the plugin. Firstly, to understand what the code even does, then maybe to make necessary changes for the plugin to work flawless on Elgg 2 and then to customize it for the profile fields you use.

      A possible other approach might be to look into the code of the Group Tools plugin. One feature of this plugin is to suggest groups for joining based on profile field information. Maybe you can extract the relevant code from this plugin to make a new plugin that adds a widget for suggesting other members for friending based on the same criteria instead of suggestion possible relevant groups. The code used might already take all profile fields into account without the need to customize it for the specific profile fields added with Profile Manager.

    • Thanks for taking the time to reply iionly.

      I'm using Elgg 2.3.10 so maybe Suggested Friends Extended is having problems!

      I really think that the only way I'm going to have success with my plan is to read my "Learning PHP, MySQL & Javascript"! In the past I've been quite successful in modifying code I don't fully understand, but feel now I have to go out of my depth to understand quite a complex sequence of interlinked files... and I can't do this without learning more.

      Basically I need to understand how these plugins work (the interaction of the files) then modify the relevant parts... but I need to have developed greater understanding of the languages.

      Anyway, thanks again,




  • Striver replied on the discussion topic Weird.. Access without Login
    I have resolved these problems by reinstalling elgg and ticking the "Restrict pages to logged in users" box on the Admin>Configure>Settings> Advanced Settings page. Striver view reply